Chapter 5.

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With the blazing sun hovering over the congregation, the bon fires were allowed to die out in the day. They would be lit up again when dusk hit. People partied and toiled. They laughed with the play that was going on at the center. Earth benders played the role of effects and backdrops as they bent the earth to their will. People jeered at the site of the ending scenes when the Avatar defeated Ozai. They laughed at the performers after them, people trying to balance on balls and the like. Even the circus had come to this and performed. The stage grew larger and more stable for the animals to parade across. The accrobats doing what they could without their tight ropes and other accomidations they were used to. Soon after, singers were allowed on stage.

"Amazing, isn't it? How far we've come.." Zuko's scrachy voice startled Aang. Buumi stood next to Zuko. They had just arrived. Zuko had been with Buumi this whole time, making negotiations to allow the colonies of the Fire Nation to stay in the Earthen territories. Buumi was hesitant, but concented to the new Fire Lord's wishes. It was, afterall, a new beginning. SOMEONE had to trust the Fire Nation again. Might as well be Buumi.

"Zuko!" Aang bowed graciously to the new Fire Lord. Zuko had on a light robe. Soft reds blended into orange and yellow billowing up the bottom hem of the material to eventually become white at his shoulder line and neck. Hemmed with a golden trim, the contrast of colors blending into the whites was a spectacle. His whiter skin was complimented by these colors. Zuko turned to Aang and bowed deeper than the Avatar had to him. After a moment, they laughed and exchanged embraces. "Buumi. How are you?" Aang turned his attention to the elder man. Buumi smiled largely. Though the robes he wore made him look like a fragile old man, he was anything but fragile.

"Time has not been kind to my bones. But I am not ready to give up my fight just yet." His laughter rang in the air. Aang joined his laughter, then his hand traveled up to his bald head and rubbed it. The sun began to dip into the sky. The afternoon was slowly becoming dusk and Aang's stomach churned. How would these people react to his proposal? He hoped they would accept his decision. Buumi noticed the uncomfortable look in the Avatar's face. "And apparently time is waning in your head. You are deep in thought." Buumi mused and Zuko looked down at his friend.

Aang smiled widely. "I'll be fine!" He waved off the comment. The Fire Lord and Buumi exchanged glances. Something was up. "I'm hungry!" Aang stated as his stomach grumbled insistantly and loudly. Zuko reached out to lift and inspect a wooden bead necklace adorning Aang's neck. It was new. But at the same time so very old. Aang's hand closed over the medallion at the end of the bead. "It was Giatso's. I returned to the Air Temples after I defeated Ozai and gave him the proper burial he deserved. No matter how I tried though, I couldn't just bury this. So I'm keeping it." Zuko nodded.

The stage cleared as Aang stood in silence. The Fire Lord began to advance to the steps slowly. The crowds hushed as he approached the middle of the stage. A nearby earth bender rose him up a little higher. Obviously he wanted to speak. The higher altitude would carry his voice further. He was silent a moment, thinking. The sun continued to dip into the mountains behind Ba Sing Se and Zuko opened his eyes to look out to the people that were gathering around the stage. "My sire was in the wrong to try what he was going to do. I am glad that it was put to an end. People of the Water Tribes to the north and south, the mighty Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nations are now living peacefully amoungst eachother. Peace and balance has been restored as much as it could be.

But as much as we want it to be balanced, there is no longer a balance. The last Air Nomad lives amoung us, but for how long? How long will it take time to defeat even the great Avatar? We must keep their name sake and their legacy within our hearts." He paused. People murmered all around the audience in agreement. "I cannot undo what my fore-fathers have done. But I can offer my assistance to the Avatar-no, to Aang-to restore the Air Temples to what they were before they were assaulted and destroyed at the hands of my ancestors." He turned to Aang. The Avatar was stunned. Did Zuko read his mind?

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