Chapter 25.

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"Aang, that's not the case." Sokka began wearily. "While we were at the festival, a Northern Tribesman approached father. He asked for Katara's hand and offered a lot of stuff for her. Stuff we can use in the south for survival. Father accepted and was going to tell her but Zuko was able to fill her head with delusions I bet." He rubbed his arms and turned, walking away from Aang.

His eyes filled with wonder. "What do you mean, Sokka? Did something happen between the two of them?" Aang stepped up to cut off Sokka's walking path, placing his hand on Sokka's shoulder. Sokka averted his eyes and blushed. How was he supposed to explain that to Aang? It wasn't something Sokka wanted to stumble upon himself but it had happened. Aang gasped at the blush that rose to the man's face. "You're kidding!" Sokka stammered and reached out to stop Aang from storming away to wake Appa. "I can't believe Zuko would do such a thing! I thought he was our friend and then he goes and does that!"

"Wait.. what?" Sokka caught up to Aang before he could get the bison up out of his comfortable bed. "Hold on, Aang. You're over reacting. It was only a kiss! Katara was drugged and her clothes were a mess and torn into little pieces which is why she was naked and-" his hand met his forehead as he realized he wasn't making any sense. Even worse, Aang thought the worst had happened. "Let me start over." Sokka's hands on Aang's shoulders, he quietly led him away from Appa and explained everything that had happened.

Aang's expression changed from anger to sorrow and pain then to confusion and he laughed at the end of it all. He nodded as he brushed away water from his eyes. The moon rose to it's highest point in the sky and Aang looked up with a smile on his face. "I understand, now. I'll go visit her and talk to Zuko in a while. We will be at the nearest land mark to the Southern Air Temple by the morning. We have a lot more cleaning to do and I really hope the earth benders that came with us can restore the statues." They walked back to the cabins under the deck.

"So, really, Aang. How did you manage to land on top of me?" Sokka stood in disbelief as they looked at their hammocks twisted around and a mess with their bedding. Aang's bed had been above Sokka's, but at a right angle off the post to the left of the water tribe boy's own. Aang yawned and began to untangle the hammocks. They muffled a giggle as they climbed back into their beds for the rest of the night.

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