Chapter 10.

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"Hakoda, this isn't about your village. It's about Katara's wellfare. Please rethink your actions." Zuko had tried to plead with the elderly man but to no avail. Although Hakoda knew his daughter would protest to the marriage, he stood his ground on his decision. Zuko shook his head at the man and walked away. He had a ship to prepare for departure. Grey pants and a red tunic with a black sash right down to his black shoes, Zuko wasted no time in picking up boxes to help his men load the ship with supplies.

Katara gingerly stepped out into the open wearing the green shades of the Earth Kingdoms on a dress that hugged her hips and bust. The top opening up to half way past her collar bone, dress stopping at her knees, and a slit up the sides to mid-thigh. She tried pulling the top closed a bit more but failed. "Dad..?" She ventured up behind him. Hakoda turned around to find her dressed as an earth kingdom noble woman. Her hair done up in a high bun held with glittering hair pins, bangs curled and let down her face in a few spots. The green dress really suited her dark skin but she looked uncomfortable. "Dad what happened to my clothes? I found them in the garbage all torn up. I don't remember that happening to them. Also what did Zuko mean just now? Did something happen?" Her blue eyes looked up to him in curiosity and concern. Hakoda sighed and she looked confused.

He turned to her and placed his large hand on her shoulder. "We should depart for home. There is much to prepare for." Katara shook her head and looked over to Zuko's ship as a chain of men were hauling supplies on board. "I know you said you wanted to go to the Fire Nation, but you cannot. A gentleman of the Northern Water Tribes has asked for your hand and-"

Katara's loud voice pierced the air and Zuko smiled to himself. "What?!" He'd planned on telling her. But it was much more amusing for her to take her frustration of the situation out on her father. Besides, if Hakoda told her then she would definately come with him. "Let me guess, you said he could? I probably don't even know the guy!" Her fierce gaze to her father sent guilt through his bones. "I can't believe you would do something like this!" She huffed off towards the dock before he could get a word in edge wise. Zuko turned to his uncle and asked him to prepare an extra cabin for the lady.

"We leave in a few hours. Please be ready, Katara." Iroh bowed to the angry water bender and spoke in a soft voice. His hands folded into the sleeves of his usual brown ukata. She stormed off past him and onto the boat. "Katara!" Her fathers' voice was muffled out due to the shouts of the men loading the ships and the waves breaking against the docks. Hakoda stopped chasing after her when she didn't respond. He looked like a heart broken school boy staring off after his daughter as she walked away from him. Iroh looked at him and empathized. It was hard to lose your children. Especially if they were still alive. Iroh bowed to him and left to the ship himself.

Standing on the bow of the ship by the rails, Katara began to bend the water below her to let off steam. Her only reprieve was when Zuko called out to the helmsman to push away from the dock. Faintly she heard her name being called out and she looked around. Sokka was standing on the edge of the docks with Suki, Toph and their father. She'd forgotten to say a farewell to them! Katara started to wave her hand with a smile but stopped when her eyes fell on the hurt face of her father. Growing angry again, she lifted her arms and began bending the water to push them faster out to sea. Hakoda turned his face, defeated, and walked away.

Footsteps behind her echoed in her ears as she continued to bend the water. Zuko's hands closed around her wrists and he held her against his body. The ship slowed and his voice spoke softly in her ears. "I know you feel wronged. But you're scaring my men. Please try to calm down." His head tilted to look down at her. He could tell she was crying from the way her shoulders shook and the soft sobs that reached his ears above the sounds of the waves. He figured changing the subject might calm her down. "You look beautiful." She turned to look up at him, tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. Seeking comfort against his chest to cry more, Zuko's expression softened. "I'll show you to your cabin. It's a big ship. Try not to get too lost." He spoke when she calmed down a little bit. "The day is still young but there is much to do. If you need me, I'll be in the engine room." Katara nodded as she followed him below deck.

Katara sat on her bed, knees pulled up to her chest as she stared at the wall. The faint aroma of tea lingered in her nose. Iroh had brought her a small pot of jasmine tea to help calm her. Though she'd taken the tea, she declined his company for a while. Sighing, she sipped the warm fluid. Familiarity of the taste teased her tongue as it washed past and down her throat. Iroh had always said that tea heals the body. Smiling, Katara finished her cup and stood. The ship was far enough away from even the Earth Kingdoms that it was now just a black and white moving spek in the distance as she looked out the small window of her room.

"Wait.. moving?" Katara blinked and looked harder at the object. Throwing open the door to her cabin, she pushed past several men in a hurry. Their protesting calls to her rudeness brought Zuko to the door of his own cabin to be pushed back in and caught before landing on the floor by his uncle. Even in the late afternoon light, Katara could see Appa clearly. Against all the black and grey metal, she was sure she herself was a sore thumb sticking out to Aang.

Zuko rushed up on deck. "Katara! What's going on?" His hand landed on her arm, trying to turn her to face him. Though she was a friend of his, he would not tollerate rudeness on his ship. Her arm jerked away from his grip as she drew up some water from the sea around them to have it float around her in a large semi-circle. Zuko looked up to where her gaze lay and solemnly looked on as Appa aproached the ship, preparing to land on the large deck. It certainly was large enough that he could land and still have room to walk around. A billow of wind rushed through Zuko's hair as the massive animal touched down on the metal. Soldiers ran up from below deck and stood at a ready stance, prepared to fight. The ship rocked and a few startled yelps from below rang up the hallways. Appa growled lightly as he looked at the row of firebenders.

Quickly dismissing them as they made the large beast uneasy, Zuko stepped foreword in front of Katara and her defense of water hovering in the air. "What is it that you want?" Zuko called out to Aang. "Katara doesn't want to talk with you and your presence is not currently welcome on this ship." Aang looked over to the Fire Lord with sad eyes.

"I want to talk." Aang dismounted from Appa and stood there. Aware of Katara's current feelings for him, he wanted to tead carefully. Katara didn't move as Zuko looked back to her. He turned back to the Avatar as he began to speak. "Katara, I'm sorry. I was going to ask you first. But at the time, my mind wasn't letting clear judgements into my sight. But please don't let Zuko capture you again."

Zuko stiffened. "She came on her own. I only offered her a safe haven in the Fire Nation. Katara consented to coming." Katara relaxed a little as Zuko came to her aid. Seeing the semi-circle of water droop a little, Zuko rose his chin to the Avatar. "Leave." The command was simple. But Aang stood his ground.

"Katara, can I please talk to you? Alone?" Aang looked to her pleadingly. She frowned. "I promise I won't touch you." He reassured her. Staring at him hard, her lips twitched. Katara had to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sending the water back to the sea, she walked foreword slowly. Her hand rested on Zuko's shoulder a moment as she looked up to him. He nodded and stayed where he was as she advanced. Appa moved to the front of the boat more so they could take a small distance from the ears of the Fire Lord to talk to one another.

Zuko watched as the two of them took the distance from him. They stopped and Aang faced her. Her hand was brought up suddenly and she slapped his face. He didn't move for a moment and silently Zuko was amused at this. Aang turned back to the water bender and began to plead to her. She was on guard when they'd began talking, but as he spoke, her expression grew soft and then she gasped. Zuko crossed his arms over his chest. Katara looked down a moment, shook her head and began to walk back to Zuko. Aang looked like he'd been beaten with a stick and turned to mount up on Appa again. "I need time to think about it, Aang." Zuko heard Katara tell him before they took off. The boat rocked again as Appa lifted off to fly away. "I'm tired." She stated simply to Zuko as she walked past him.

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