part 06 -- bonfire

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part 06 —- bonfire

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part 06 —- bonfire

Sasuke laid in bed until the moon made its nightly appearance, lighting up his bedroom through the open window. He stared at it as his mind went elsewhere. Every time he remembered the journal, he would feel his fingers automatically grip onto his bedsheets, twisting them in his hands.

He was in agony. Not because he hadn't eaten since yesterday, or because of his injuries, but because of her. He didn't understand why he worried so damn much about her. He didn't even know her. He didn't know her favourite colour. He didn't know her favourite food. He couldn't even remember her last name.

Yet, his heart felt like he was grieving someone he had already lost.

He blamed Itachi. What Itachi had done had completely destroyed him and his life. He missed the person he used to be before the incident. He was happy. He was caring, in his own ways, to the ones that he loved. Although it hadn't been a long list to begin with, it was a list that was practically non-existent now. The betrayal he felt from his best friend, his big brother, was something he could never get over for as long as he lived. And in turn, it made him unsympathetic to those who struggled in a similar manner.

When he remembered the way he had suddenly grabbed ahold of the girl, he cringed and dug the side of his face deeper into his pillow. He didn't know what had come over him, his body had reacted before his brain could comprehend it. He had no idea what he had been trying to achieve, grabbing her like that. Maybe he thought that as long as she was there with him, she was safe from harming herself.

His breathing became muffled against the pillow. He didn't mean to hurt her by holding on so tightly. He also hadn't expected her body to be so fragile. The look on her face, when she told him that he was hurting her, sent a dagger through his chest. She was so weak, so helpless. He couldn't shake off the feeling of needing to protect her, despite the devil on his shoulder.

She's not your responsibility, he told himself. She can make her own decisions, whether they're good or bad. She's nobody to you.

He reached over to the bedside table and picked up his phone that had been plugged in the charger for far too long. It was right beside the tray of food that Hana had brought in for him. It was completely untouched and ice-cold now. He ripped the cord out of his phone and looked at the time, not even knowing what day it was anymore.

2 A.M.

He forced himself into an upright position, planting his feet firmly against the floorboards. He let out a small sound in pain as he put all his pressure onto his legs, standing up from the bed. The combination of being dehydrated and starving at the same time made the room spin and his knees feel like they would snap beneath him at any moment. He wobbled with every step, walking out of his bedroom and down the dark hallway.

He stopped at her closed door, slowly placing a hand against the handle. He quietly opened it, thankful that the hinges of the door were oiled enough that they wouldn't squeak, and peered inside her dark room.

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