part 31 -- carnations

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part 31 —- carnations

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part 31 —- carnations

"And what about this one?"

The woman sitting across from Hana said as she flipped to the next page of her black photo book, pressing the tip of her finger against the image of white lilies.

They're beautiful, Hana thought, but they're not right for mom.

The dining room was completely silent as the woman waited for Hana's answer, her now-blanching finger still pressed down on the page. The sound of the clock ticking behind the woman's head kept ambushing her thoughts, interrupting them and making her hesitant to answer.

"I don't have all day, kid, this is only supposed to take me half an hour max'."

Hana almost flinched at her forwardness. From the moment the funeral planner had stepped into the house, she had been cold and abrupt. Nothing that a funeral planner should be.

"Um, I-I'm not sure—"

"I have never had a client that has taken this long to choose a damn flower," the woman snarled, a piece of spit flying out of her mouth and landing on the table. "I have showed her our most popular range and she still hasn't made a decision. She's wasting my time."

"S-Sorry," Hana stammered, feeling the beads of sweat begin to form on her lower back. "The lilies are fine,"

The lady ignored her and went to slam the book shut when Sasuke suddenly spoke from the chair beside Hana, his voice just as cold as the funeral planner's.

"No, she doesn't like those ones." he said, his icy gaze boring into her. "If you want to keep your job then I suggest you show her some more options."

"Sasuke," Mikoto warned from where she sat on the shortest side of the table. Despite scolding him, the pride in her heart was also evident in her expression. "Manners, please."

The woman took one last look at Sasuke before she slowly re-opened the book again, flipping through until they had reached a new page that showed the image of tulips.

Hana quickly went to tell her that the tulips worked when Sasuke beat her to it.

"No, show us something else." he said, making a bead of sweat form on the woman's temple. "And please, explain each flower to us just a competent funeral planner would. Maybe it'll help with our decision."

The woman sighed under her breath and began speaking in a shaky voice, taking several minutes to explain each flower that came by. Sasuke couldn't help but smirk as he leaned back and watched with his arms crossed, knowing that the woman knew it was more than possible for her to lose her job since their uncle owned the funeral home she worked for.

The clock continued to tick, almost two full hour passing by. Every now and then, the woman would glance at the time, appearing even more stressed by the minute.

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