Sleepover part 3

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Nobody POV

Russia laughed. Everyone stared at him in horror. "And to think you all called me the monster!" He said, still laughing.

He slowly stopped laughing and glared into their eyes. "Everyone always says or thinks about how ugly my scars are, but no one ever wonders how I even got them. Now that you know, am I still a scary freak to you?" He asked with all the seriousness he could master, although you could hear pain in his voice.

Everyone froze in shock, not believing those few things they once thought could hurt so much. "Yeah, those things you thought about me? They fucking hurt y'know?" He said again, this time the pain in his voice was clear.

No one said a word. They were all too shocked and terrified.

A few minutes were spent in silence before Germany broke it. "So that's why you glared at me when you said I'm T.R's son..." he said. "I knew he has done horrible things, but I never imagined anything like that. I'm sorry about all the things I might have thought or said about you." He said and Russia looked surprised. "I didn't expect you to apologize."

"I'm sorry too." Said Poland and slowly everyone apologized as well, making Russia feel a little better.

"You should have told us earlier, Russia. Hiding your feelings like that isn't the right thing to do." Said America and Russia sighed. "I know, But I didn't think anyone would believe me."

After a few minutes of talking about it, it began to be late. Korea came in and told them they should go to sleep and they agreed, though they were all afraid that it would be nothing but nightmares.

"Oh sorry, we're missing one blanket." Said Korea. "It's okay, I can sleep without one. After all, I did that for five years..." said Russia and Korea gave they blankets to all the others.

Time skip

America POV

The room was dark. I didn't know what hour it was and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about all what Russia has been through, and everyone silently bullied him. He was suffering so much, and nobody knew.

After a couple minutes I could see someone moving. It was dark, but I've been awake for so much time that now I could see in the dark good enough to recognize who it was. It was Korea, S.K and N.K's mother. She probably couldn't sleep either. I could see her sitting down to the table and I decided to talk to her.

I slowly got up and approached her, trying not to wake anybody up. "America?" She whispered. "What are you doing awake, dear?" She asked quietly. "I couldn't sleep. Can we talk a bit?" I asked, also talking as quietly as I could. "Of course. What's troubling you? You can tell me, I'm a therapist after all."

"Really?" I asked. "Sure. You can tell me whatever you need."

I sat down in front of her and sighed. "I just want to help Russia, be his friend, but I don't think he trusts me. And I can't blame him, I wouldn't trust me either if I were him."

"But you're not him, so find a way to prove your worth trusting."


"I don't know. How can even I know you're worth trusting? How could anyone? It's you that has to know. Do you trust yourself?"

"Of course I do, what is that supposed to mean?"

"And why do you trust yourself? Because you are yourself. Because you know yourself. You just need to get him to know you. He'll trust you in the end. Just give him some time."

I sighed. "Yeah, you're probably right."

We talked for some time until I could hear someone get up. I turned and saw Russia. Poor guy, he probably had a nightmare. "Ame..?" He muttered. "And... Korea? Why are you two awake?" He said and walked towards us. "We couldn't sleep. I assume you had a nightmare." I said. "Yeah..." he murmured. "I need some air." He said and Korea pointed at a door. "We have a big garden, you can go there." She said and Russia thanked her. He walked  to that direction, almost tripping over from tiredness and using the walls for support. He exited the room and closed the door behind him.

"Maybe I should go talk to him." I said. "I'm not sure he'll want to talk, but it's worth a shot." Said Korea and I got up and walked towards the door as well.

The view was absolutely stunning. The garden was filled with trees and flowers and I was pretty sure I saw a small ornamental pool with koi fish. I walked around for a bit and appreciated the beauty of this place.

Suddenly I saw Russia so I came closer to him. I noticed something weird.

He was crying.

I gasped quietly. I never saw him cry. Well, except in memories, but that doesn't count.

He probably heard me as he flinched and turned to me, trying to hide his tears.

"Hey, it's okay." I told him and he whipped his tears and turned away. I sat next to him. "Hey, look at me." I said. He didn't turn back. "I assume you don't want to be seen crying, and I understand, but it's a totally normal thing." I tried to comfort him. It didn't work.

"You know, there's a quote I like, it says: "crying isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign you've been strong for too long" and I think it's exactly what you're experiencing. You hid your feeling for to long." He stayed silent.

"I know." He said, his voice breaking. I noticed he was trembling so I put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched from the sudden touch. "Oh sorry, I forgot..." I apologized. And he stayed with his back to me. I sighed.

"Just leave me alone, okay? I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'd rather just be alone." He said and I got up. "Okay. Whatever you want." I said and walked away, back to the house.

Russia POV

Are you stupid? What are you doing? He was trying to help me and I just pushed him away! That's why I don't have friends. Who knows if he'll still want to be my friend. He probably thinks I'm selfish. He probably hates me now.

Who am I kidding? He never liked me in the first place, did he?

But... he cared. I could see it in his mind and his eyes. His voice, his touch... he does care.

I'm just lying to myself to make me feel worse. I really am stupid, aren't I?

I'll talk to him tomorrow.

{A/N: okay I didn't know how to end the chapter so here you go.

Question is, what happens in the next chapter? I literally have no idea U_U

Probably going to be a big time skip and maybe you'll get to meet R.E aka Rusky's grandpa}

Words: 1134

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