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{A/N: yes another chapter todayyyy. I'll leave some fluff before school kills me}

The next day

America POV

The next day I went to school as usual, searching for Russia. I noticed he didn't come today which was weird, he came everyday. 'Maybe he's just somewhere I didn't search, or maybe he doesn't want to talk. I won't blame him.' I thought. 'Yet again... even if he doesn't want to talk, he always comes up to me. I'll just ask Ukraine if she saw him.' I figured.

Before I could find Ukraine the bell rang and I walked to art class. Luckily for me, Ukraine had the same class. When we were freed to draw on the canvas I picked the on next to her.

"Hey Ukraine?" I muttered and she turned to me. "Yes?"

"Have you seen Russia? I don't think he came today."

"Weird, I was searching for him as well. Skipping school isn't like him, even if he hates it."

"You don't think anything happened, right?"

For once Ukraine looked concerned as she painted a picture of a dandelion. "I hope not..." she mumbled.

We waited for the school to end so we could meet up outside. We decided to call him to make sure he's okay. "He isn't picking up..." murmured Ukraine. "He doesn't answer my calls either." I stated.

Suddenly Poland ran up to us with Germany trailing behind him. "He guys! Did you hear what happened?" He asked and stopped in front of us. "No, what is it? We're trying to contact Russia." I responded.

"That's the thing, he isn't answering right?" Replied Poland and I turned to Ukraine then back to him. "I don't know how or what happened exactly, but I know he's in the hospital." He continued.

"What?!" Shouted Ukraine in shock and I was shocked as well. 'What- what happened... I hope he's okay...' I thought. 

"Why is he in the hospital for god's sake and why weren't we informed earlier?!" Continued Ukraine.

"I don't know!" Shrugged Poland and we asked in which hospital he is. After he told us we took a bus there.

Time skip

Nobody POV

The cold hospital air conditioning washed over the two as they walked into the building.

After a bit of talk with the staff and the doctors, they were able to see Russia. They were told there was a huge wildfire in the forest he was in, and that a tree fell on him.

"He broke his rib and had a concussion, but he should be awake now." Said a doctor. Ukraine came first and talked to him for a couple of minutes, but America couldn't hear what they were saying.

After a few minutes Ukraine came out. "He can talk, but not move much." She informed the other and he nodded. He walked in and sat down at the chair next to the patient bed.

"Ame?" Murmured Russia weakly. "Russ? What happened?" America asked.

"There was a fire... and then... I think I had to escape... ran under a burning tree... I don't completely remember..." he trailed off. "Are you feeling okay now? That's all that matters." Asked America in a concerned tone. "My whole body hurts, especially my head and the side of my body. Besides that, I'm fine. Did I- did you worry about me?" He muttered and America blushed at the last sentence.

"Of course I did! You're my friend!" He exclaimed. "I'm sorry I worried you..." Russia trailed off and America shook his head. "It wasn't your fault. It's okay."

They were in silence for a few seconds until America spoke. "Hey Russia, there was something I wanted to tell you..." he whispered. "What is it? By your tone I can assume it's something bad." Acknowledged Russia. "Wha- oh, no no, it's not something bad, it's- I-" stuttered the American and then fell silent.

Russia understood it was hard for him to say it, so he tried to help. "Hey, that bitch didn't hesitate for a second when he cut off my arm, you don't need to hesitate for years just to tell me a few words, right? Oh and don't worry, I won't read your mind." He smiled and America chuckled.

"Alright, I'll say it." He took a deep breath and gathered his courage to say those simple three words.

"I love you."

Russia fell silent and America clenched his fist.

"You don't feel the same, do you?" He asked, doing his best to hold back tears.

"No, I- I just-" Russia stuttered then sighed. "I just never thought I'd hear someone say that." He murmured sadly, then took the Americans' hand and looked at him with a smile.

"But that doesn't mean I don't feel the same." He said and for once he smiled brightly and America was in shock. After a few seconds of processing what he heard, he smiled as well.

"I can't really kiss you, can I?" He teased. Russia chuckled, then squinted his eye in pain and gripped the side of his body with his arm. "No, I guess you can't." He said with a smile and the other boy laughed.

"You know, when that tree hit me, I swear I could see them." Russia murmured. "Who?"

"My family. They were calling me to join them in heaven, but I knew I shouldn't. I wasn't sure why, but now I know." He continued.

"Why would I need heaven up there-

-when I have heaven down here?"

{A/N: Russia you little flirt-

Welp, I go now. Goodbye.}

*poofs out of existence*

Words: 891

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