New family part 2

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{A/N: holy shit guys we already got 100 more reads??? It been a day! A fricking DAY! Well, it's probably mostly just me when I reread- never mind let's go back to the story nobody wants to listen to me rambling}

Japan POV

Today Russia and Ukraine are moving to me and my mothers' house and I'm so freaking excited! I'm a bit worried though, after all, we have completely different cultures and I'm not sure they will like all our traditions... I hope they'll be okay with it. We can also do their traditions! That could be cool!

Today we all met up in a park after Russia and Ukraine packed all their stuff. My mother picked us up and drove us to our house. The ride was mostly silent and kinda awkward, but it ended soon enough.

We reached the house and walked out of the car and I could hear Ukraine gasp in awe. "That tree is so pretty! What's it called?" She asked and I chuckled at her expression.

"It's the Sakura tree. It is very common in our country." I replied and observed the pink leaved tree as well. My mother planted it when I was born, making it my age. I always loved to climb its branches, draw or write under it... it sparks good memories in me every day.

We walked into the house and took off our shoes. "日本 (Japan), please take your new siblings to their rooms and show them around the house while I make some food for us, alright?" Requested my mother. "わかった、お母さん! (Okay, mom!)" I said and showed Russia and Ukraine where they will be sleeping.

I showed them around the house for a bit until we reached their new room.

They looked at me in confusion when they saw the room. "Oh, right, your beds aren't on the floor... sorry about that." I muttered. "No no, it's okay, we can handle it." Replied Russia politely. "Right Ukraine?" He turned to his sister and she nodded. "Of course! We are used to sleeping on the floor after all..."

Silence spread across the room at the last sentence, but it was soon broken. "Kids! Come eat!" Called my mom. "Coming!" I called back and we went downstairs. 

She made Hosomaki, my favorite. One of the most popular makizushi varieties are the thin hosomaki rolls. They consist of traditional roasted nori sheets that are layered with vinegar rice, filled with just one ingredient, then shaped into thin rolls. Even though they appear in numerous versions, the most famous are the tekkamaki tuna roll and the refreshing kappamaki cucumber roll.

{A/N: I literally copied that from a website about Japanese dishes omfg it's basically sushi for me}

"I hope you two will like this, it is not the kind of food you are used to..." murmured my - well, our  - mother. "It's okay, we can try it." Said Ukraine politely and Russia nodded. "Plus we eat on the floor... I hope it okay for you two."

"It's all okay, really." Replied Russia. "Okay, if you say so."

We sat and ate in silence for a while. After we were done we put the dishes in the sink and went to the living room. "Well, how was it?" I asked, hoping they enjoyed the meal. "It was great!" Exclaimed Ukraine and I smiled. "It was nice. I'm gonna need to get used to this type of food though." Murmured Russia after I turned to him.

"We can try and make your traditional dishes sometimes too." I said, trying to cheer him up. "That would be nice, thank you." Russia said with a soft smile. I can't believe I was once scared of him, he's so nice! Maybe I should apologize again...

Time skip

Russia POV

We talked for a while and before I knew it evening came. J.E said we have some leftovers from lunch we could eat, but I tried to refuse as politely as I could. "I'm not really hungry... I think I'll head to sleep a bit early if that okay?" I mumbled and J.E looked confused for a second before she snapped back to reality. "Oh! Of course that's okay. Are you sure you're not hungry though?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm still full from lunch." I said. Did I lie? I'm not even sure at this point.

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