New family

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{A/N: GUYS I'M BAAAACK sorry for the wait

Also thanks for 500+ reads!}

Ukraine POV

{A/N: *le gasp* is that a new POV????}

It's been a few weeks since Russia and America started dating, and I was so happy for my brother. Finally he won't feel lonely and he'll have someone there with him other than me.

I kept thinking for a bit as I walked in the dark streets on the way to my apartment, then suddenly I heard a voice calling me.

"Excuse me, young lady?" Said a female voice and I turned around and paused. It was a woman with a red and white flag that I didn't recognize, but it somehow seemed familiar.

"It is very dangerous to walk alone in these streets at night, may I accompany you?" She asked softly.

"Oh! Um, sure. What's your name?" I asked and allowed her to walk by my side. "My name's Japanese Empire, but you can call me J.E for short." She smiled.

"Oh! Your Japans' mother, right? I'm her friend! Well, sort of..." I murmured. "Oh! Yes, I am. What's your name?"

"I'm Ukraine." I answered with a smile. "Oh. She never told me about you." Muttered J.E. "Yeah, we're not really close, we're just I'm the same friend group." I informed her and she nodded.

"Why were you walking alone in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?" She turned to me as we got to my apartment and I thanked her. "I guess I just didn't have anyone who walked in the same direction." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad I could help. Goodbye!" She waved and I waved back. It's nice to know there are good countries in this world.

The next day

Nobody POV

The academy halls were silent as usual, even with all the students and teachers walking and chatting along. The size of that place made it feel so empty even when it was so full. One could think it is all just normal countries with their normal lives, yet ones' live could change forever during this 'normal' day.

Let's leave this huge place and all its troubles and zoom in to a small talk.

Ukraine strolled around those big halls and long corridors until she found the person she wanted to talk to.

"Hey, Japan!" She called and a girl with a red and white flag turned to her with a smile.

"Oh, hey Ukraine! What's up?" She called back and walked towards her. "Everything is fine, how are you?" Asked Ukraine politely. "I'm great!" Replied the Japanese girl.

"Yesterday I met your mom, she was really sweet."

"Oh, really? That's nice!"

"Yeah, she walked next to me on my way to my apartment so no drunk homeless will cling to me. I'm really thankful she did that, those streets are scary at night."

"Oh, yeah, she does that a lot. She always helps old people cross the road or helps little kids find their parents. I'm glad I have such a nice mother." Japan said with a smile and Ukraine paused.

"What's wrong?" Asked Japan, noticing the sudden silence.

"It's just that I never knew my mother, she either died or left us alone. Well, both ways make her seem gone to me, but I still wish I remembered her." Ukraine mumbled. "Oh. I'm sorry."

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