The Beginning

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Im a 24 year old working at your local convenience store specifically 7/11. My salary per month is 9,000 baht which is enough to pay the bills and other necessities. I get up and get myself ready.

I leave my condo and lock the door.

I use my bike as transportation because public transport is a bit expensive now a days and plus 7/11 is right around the corner.

I enter the store and greet me coworkers and friends. I walk behind the counter to begin my shift.

After a while..
It was doing fine. It was almost my break so one more customer should be enough.

While I waited for another customer a man in a red suit and a facemask entered the store. He grabbed a few heat up foods and a drink. He walked up to the counter.

"Is this all sir?"

"Do you think I have more up my ass? Just ring it up" he said sarcastically

"oh.. uhm.. ok"

I hate this types of customers who does he think he is huh? Tch.

After I finished scanning his items he left the store.

"That guy looks familiar. I know I've seen him from somewhere.." Win said

"His name is Tinnaphob Jirawatthanakul. He's a CEO of a game company called Solitude, it was an inheritance. His like rich rich and his also a heart throb" Por informed us

"how do you know all of that" was he a spy or something?

"haven't you two seen social media? News even?" Por said

"do we look like we do? You haven't finish stocking up those tomato cans" Win reminding Por.

I got curious who he was so I searched up his name in Twitter.

273 million followers is crazy

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273 million followers is crazy.. That's how popular this dude is? Now I can see why his such a heartthrob. I'm still more handsome though.

I turn off my phone and started to open my lunchbox and pick up my utensils.

"scrabbled eggs and rice again?" Win asked


"Eating that all the time isn't healthy you know" Por said concerned

"It's fine. It makes me full and it's cheap. Thing are pretty expensive now a days"

"How about I treat you huh? Win you should come too" he suggested

"oh no no it's fine plus I don't have the money to pay you back"

"you don't have to pay for me idiot. After our shift is over, we can go to a party ok? No is not a choice" he said

Me and Win both nod forcefully.

After we finish our shift we turned off all the lights and locked the store.

We waited for a bus since it's cheaper than a taxi.

We arrived with bright flashing lights, compiled drunk sweaty people and loud music.

We sit down and order some drinks from the bar. While we drank our drinks people mostly girls started to scream their throats off. We looked from where the noise was coming from. It was that Tinn guy with a couple of bodyguards. Those bodyguards left after he sat down beside me.

After hours of drinking..
Win and Por got wasted after a couple of drinks. I was still pretty sober. While I was starring at my two friends a head suddenly laid on my shoulder. I turn my head to see who it was and it was Tinn. I slightly tap his shoulder to wake him up but it didn't work.

He starts to move his arms hugging my waist. I try to pull off his grip but he was strong even though he's drunk, I eventually gave up and let him be. I'm guessing he had problems cause of how waisted he is right now. All though his basically a stranger I start to pat his head hesitantly and I'm guessing he likes it..?

His phone suddenly rang, someone was calling him.

"Tiwson..? Must be his friend" as I pick up the call

"Tinn? Where are you?" the person on the other line said

"Uhm, hi? Your friend is kind of drunk and.. laying on my shoulder.. can- can you please get him..?"

"What bar are you?" he asks

" I honestly don't know but I know we're near the mall"

When he arrived he pulled his friend away from me but he wouldn't let go. It was getting awkward since he just wouldn't let go.

He started murming things about me like "you smell nice", "your face is pretty" and more. I'm honestly flattered that a CEO complimented me.

Tiwson finally pulled his grip off of me and he started to leave and so did I. Yes, I left my friends there, their already old they can take care of themselves.

I waited for a bus but in this time of night, busses rarely come so I had to wait for a bit.

I unlock my door and put my shoes a side. I turn on the lights and sat down on my bed. I thought of what just happened, I can't wait till I brag about my grandchildren how a CEO of a very famous company complimented me multiple times.

I set my alarm for tomorrow, brush my teeth and fell asleep.

The next part is Tinn's POV
How's everyone's day going?

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