Chapter 26

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The sun was in the middle of the afternoon sky when everyone gathered outside of the giant blimp that would be taking us to Ba Sing Se. Asami's contact owed her a favor and was able to get us in the air within a few hours of her calling. I brought my bag I had from Mako's and borrowed a few items from Asami and we were on our way. By the time we arrived to the blimp's location, Bolin was already waiting for us. Soon after Korra arrived followed by Mako.

At first it was awkward. I stood beside Asami as she spoke to her colleague regarding our flight. I glanced over and Mako was a few strides away, eyes boring into me. I gave him a small smile then stepped over, hoping to talk before we were due to depart.

"Hi" I say, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear nervously.


"Look" I exhale, "I had some time to think and I don't want us to be at odds with each other. I know you are just looking out for me, but it means a lot to me that I am able to go and do my part to find my family"

"I understand," Mako says, making me exhale in relief, "I shouldn't have been so controlling. I just... I have lost a lot of people that I care about and I don't want that to be you too"

"I understand" I say, reaching to take his palm in mine. "I appreciate you looking out for me. It makes me feel safe knowing you are always there."

He smiles, pulling my arm gently toward him and wrapping me up in a hug. I smile, feeling my cheek brush against his shoulder. It felt so nice to be on good terms with him again. Maybe things will be better from now on.

After a moment we part, Mako reaching up to cup my head in his hands. He leans down and presses a quick kiss to my lips before mumbling softly, "I can't stay irritated at you anyway"

"Why is that?" I grin

"Because you are too... you" He says, a smile spreading across his lips.

"Can you guys stop making out so we can get going?" Bolin yells, waving us toward the stairs that lead up to the entrance of the blimp. Blushing, I step out of Mako's embrace and pick up my bag, hurrying toward the line of boarding people.

The inside of the blimp is nice. Asami's contact and his co-pilot sit in the control room while everyone settles into leather seats. There are enough chairs for all of us, each of us having a circular window to look out of. A small galley area is behind us beside a room that I assume is the washroom.

I sit in a chair closest to the back, buckling the metal clip of my seatbelt. Mako sits in the chair across from me, giving me a nervous look.

"Are you nervous?" I ask

"Nah" He says, his voice uneasy. He shuffles in his seat, rubbing the palms of his hands down his thighs. "This is totally normal... being in the sky"

I giggle, "It's not too bad, I promise"

"You have been on one of these things?" He asks, eyebrow raised.

"Only a few times" I reply, "With my family"

Mako only nods, his fingers tightly gripping the seat. I could tell he was trying to play cool, but his anxiety was obvious. It was adorable.

Within a few minutes we begin our descent into the air, my forehead pressed against the glass window to see the ground look smaller and smaller as we rose. I forgot how much I loved the thrill of being in the air.

Bolin takes the time to sleep while Asami flips through the pages of a magazine. I reach over and pat Mako's knee, reassuring him that everything is alright.

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