Chapter 7

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I blink awake, the familiar beams of light shining into my eyes as I roll over. I'm once again met with the warmth of Mako's bed. The fabric feels soft against my skin as I wake up. I hear the sound of music flowing from the living room, the hissing of a kettle adding to the noise.

I roll out of bed, stretching my arms as I open the bedroom door. Bolin stands in the kitchen, two cups before him as he hums a tune along with the radio.

"Morning" I say, sliding into a seat.

"Goooood morning" He chirps, "Rest well?"

"I did" I nod, "How long have you been here?"

Bolin simply shrugs, the single curl on his forehead bouncing as he moves.

"Not long, an hour?"

I frown, "I was hoping to go with Mako to the station. I feel weird sitting around not helping"

"It's safer if you stay hidden," Bolin states, picking up the kettle and pouring warm cups of tea. "He told me to make sure you don't go anywhere alone"

I nod, taking the cup in my fingers.

"Still" I whine, "I want to help"

"I know" Bolin nods, sipping from the steaming cup. "But trust me, we've done crazier things. Mako usually knows what's best"

"Tell me about your adventures" I say, curiosity rolling through me, "The newspapers never do the story justice"

Bolin leans back against the counter, gaze switching out the window.

"Where do I even begin?" He says dreamily, "We fought Amon, who was this crazy cult leader who tried to destroy all benders. But it turned out he was a bender himself. And then there was the evil spirit that tried to take over the world, but we managed to get that under control too"

"Wow" I say, swallowing a dose of the warm peach tea, "You've done amazing things"

"I'm sure you've done cool stuff too" Bolin reasons, "Haven't you been all over the world?"

I shrug, "We moved around a lot, my parents worked with a lot of world leaders."

"So you've met the Earth queen and Fire Lord Izumi" Bolin asks.

I nod, "We lived in Ba Sing Se when I was young, I don't remember much. But we spent about 4 years in the Fire Nation. My parents are close friends with Fire Lord Zuko"

"Wow" Bolin whistles, "What was the Fire Nation like?"

"Really cool" I grin, "The palace is really extravagant, lots of gold and fancy decorations"

"I would like to go there someday" Bolin says, "But even more so the Earth Kingdom"

"Ba Sing Se is large, very busy" I confess, "Omashu is really neat too"

"There's a really good Earth Kingdom themed restaurant a few blocks away" Bolin tells me, "When you're off house arrest we should go"

"That sounds great" I smile.

A knock on the door makes us turn, Bolin getting up and opening the oak door. Two men stand on the other side, a large package behind them.

"We have a delivery here for Mako?" One man says.

"Sure" Bolin says, waving them in.

I watch as the men carry a large box inside, Bolin helping move a bookcase over to make room. After a few papers are given and signed, Bolin closes the door. He turns to face me, his expression excited.

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