Chapter 5: Decisive Battle on the Ice! Froakie vs Vivillon!

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Ash's heart pounded as he waited before the Pokemon Center desk. Every so often, Pikachu and Charizard tried to assure him with a nuzzle, but it only did so much to alieve him.

"Froakie and Fletchling will be ok, won't they, brother?" Bonnie's voice quivered as she spoke, but Clemont patted her shoulder.

"Of course, they just got knocked out, is all."

Ash knew Clemont was right. He had lost battles before and had seen his pokemon knocked out countless times. Not to mention Froakie and Fletchling were still new captures. However, something about this recent defeat ate away at him. Perhaps it was the unique sensation he experienced with Froakie and the speed of their growth that convinced him they were ready. If so, overconfidence once again led to another humbling experience. It would not have been the first time.

"Here you are, young man." Nurse Joy returned with a Wifflytuff with Froakie and Fletchling. Both pokemon looked as good as new, and Fletchling let out a spirited chirp before he flew onto Ash's free shoulder and saluted him. Froakie, however, kept his head down and remained still.

"Froakie, it's not your fault. It's mine. I got distracted." Ash tried to assure Froakie, but the premonition returned, and for a brief moment, it was as if he had read Froakie's mind. The water frog was convinced it was he who hesitated and cost them the battle, not Ash.

"Oh, Froakie."

"Would you like your egg back as well?" Nurse Joy asked, and Wigglytuff held it up. Ash had left it with them before his gym battle and hesitated.

"Not yet. We'll be here a bit longer."

"Very well, but just so you know. While you were away, it started glowing blue, and we detected signs of life. For a moment, I thought he might hatch."



Wigglytuff took the egg away, but Ash and his Pokemon stared at it. After a few moments, Alexa broke them from their trance and said.

"Ash, don't be ashamed. My sister can neglect her duties, but she is a fine trainer. If you give it another shot, I'm sure you'll have a chance."

"Right." Ash hardened his expression and turned to the door. However, his eyes widened when he saw not Alexa in front of him but the blonde young woman whose cry had distracted him. She shook a little and struggled to meet Ash's eyes before a Fennekin nudged her.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, almost stumbling on her words. "I'm sorry I distracted you." Her eyes finally locked with Ash's, and something about them left him entranced. Pikachu noticed this and looked between them with intrigue.


"Ahh, it's alright. I'm the one who lost focus. All you did was call my name." Ash gave a sheepish look while holding the back of his head and sweat dropping. "I don't think I got your name."

"Serena, I'm Serena. I, I-" She looked far more nervous than Ash and struggled to find her words.

"Serena, nice to meet you. Like I said, it's not your fault. All we need to do is some more training, and we'll win."

"Pika!" Pikachu and Ash's other Pokemon followed him outside.

"Ash, wait!" Serena cried. However, as she tried to follow, Bonnie appeared before her with a bright grin.

"Bonjour! We never met properly, I'm Bonnie, and this is my brother, Clemont. He-"

"Bonnie!" Clemont yelped, terrified of what she might say next. However, to his surprise, Bonnie just took out her Dedenne and held him up.

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