Chapter 8: Secrets of Aura Pt 1

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Serena savored the gentle morning breeze, making her morning run much easier. Fennekin likewise kept pace beside her with a spirited expression.

"Alright, Fennekin, let's try again, Psybeam!" Serena reached into her handbag and pulled out a small disk used for pokemon target practice, then threw it ahead of them. Ash recommended this training method, and to Serena's delight, she saw a beam of pinkish psychic energy fly out of Fennekin's mouth. This psybeam proved steadier than her last few and shattered the target.

"Great job!"

"Fen!" Serena still did not know what her goal as a trainer was yet, but training Fennekin up in the meantime would help. The two kept this up until they hit five miles and arrived back at the battlefield near Prism Tower they started at.

"Bonjour, Serena, Fennekin." Bonnie and Dedenne sat nearby, sipping on juice as Serena wiped some sweat from her brow and then picked Fennekin up.

"Bonjour, are the others still training too?" Serena got her answer via the cries of agony emanating from the battlefield.

"Brother is still struggling." Bonnie sighed and gestured in that direction. There, Serena saw him all but drowning in sweat and on the verge of collapse while Meyer drilled him and Ash.

"Come on, son. You don't see Ash complaining!" Meyer laughed while Ash directed his Pokemon against Meyer's Team and mirrored strikes that Riolu and Froakie used. Serena blushed and tried to hide her smile when she saw his muscles press against his tight workout shirt, which dripped with sweat. Meyer likewise emphasized his mighty physical prowess amid their training by lifting pieces of heavy metal and asking them to do the same. Ash grunted but lifted up the metal girder, Clemont, however, collapsed.

"Help me."

"I'm trying to Clemont."

"Come on, brother. Be strong like Ash!"

"Yeah, strong like Ash." Serena giggled.

"Alright, I think that's enough." Meyer panted after another hour of training and lifted a hyperventilating Clemont and Bunnelby in his arms.

"Great job, guys. I saw a lot of improvement out there. Thank you for all your help, Meyer."

"Your welcome, Ash. A gym leader should always strive to improve themselves, and you gave us quite the challenge there." Meyer chuckled and stroked his panting Ampharos. Ash looked closer at their stones and longed to ask if they had anything to do with Mega Evolution, but Riolu raced ahead of him and growled with his fists raised.

"Come on, Riolu, that's enough for now."





"Grou!" Riolu tried to keep going, but Froakie got in his way. The two exchanged fierce gazes before Ash returned them both.

"Those two." He sighed. They returned to Meyer's house, where showers and breakfast completed the morning. Clemont wobbled and almost fell over more than once with his backpack filled to the brim with food.

"Now be sure to call regularly, and watch your sister closely, and don't camp out if you think it's going to storm and-" Isabella listed off another twenty or so instructions while Meyer stood by Ash.

"So you're heading to Cyllage City next. An excellent choice, but don't expect an easy go at it, Ash. The leader, Grant, is a former pupil of mine and an exceptionally capable trainer."

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