Chapter 11: Wake Up Snorlax! Battle in Parfum Palace!

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"Great work this morning, everyone." Ash stretched with Pikachu and Riolu, who rested on his shoulders. The electric mouse noticed Riolu smirking at him and emphasized his seat on Ash's shoulder. However, this smile faded when Pikachu did not react and just kept stretching.

"Merci." Serena flashed a bright smile as she brushed Fennekin's fur while the little fire fox purred and rested in her trainer's arms.

"Not, 'huff' gonna make it." Clemont dragged himself along with a walking stick and hyperventilated.

"Geeze, big bro, why are you still falling behind?" Bonnie crossed her arms and narrowed both eyes at Clemont before Ash helped him along.

"Go easy on him, Bonnie. Don't forget we stepped it up a notch this morning. I think you and your team showed real improvement."

"Merci." Clemont stood up a little straighter after Ash said this.

"Still, I wouldn't mind resting indoors tonight. Fennekin too." Serena sighed a little with her pokemon, who nodded. Both their bodies ached from days of walking and every more strenuous training with Ash. It was not that they did not appreciate Ash's help or hated camping, but both longed for a proper bath and warm bed to sleep in.

"We should be at Camphrier Town soon. Why don't we spend the night there?" Ash offered and saw the others light up.

"Camphrier Town is a historic landmark. My parents once visited here and told me that a lord still lives there." Serena took out her information pad, and Ash came closer to get a look.

"Really? Kalos still has lords?" Ash almost blinked when he saw the manor depicted on screen.

"Oui, and a King too. Of course, he does not have any political power. He's mostly a figurehead, just like the lords." Clemont added while Serena nodded.

"A few hundred years ago, the Kings of Kalos grew decadent, and the people suffered as a result. Taking advantage of a famine, a series of intellectuals took power by intentionally keeping what food remained away from the masses and spreading lies about the nobility. They whipped up a revolution against the King and the other nobles, with many dying. However, the King's son was not like his family. He devoted himself to the poor and led the army against the rebels, decisively defeating them. After the revolution, he transitioned Kalos into a constitutional monarchy, and things slowly transformed into the way they are now." Serena went on a bit more, with Clemont chiming in, and Ash took it all in before they arrived.

"We're here!" Bonnie raced ahead toward a gate in a vast stone wall surrounding the town. Ash soon understood what Serena meant, for Camphrier had a rustic yet charming feel to its surrounding farmlands, brick buildings, and trees mixed in with the streets. The locals and their pokemon looked much the same, with many in farmer's attire or other simple outfits.

"So pretty."

"You're right Serena, it is-"

"Halt!" A harsh voice snapped Ash and the others out of their daze. All four and their pokemon almost jumped backward when they saw Officer Jenny with a few Kalos soldiers and pokemon standing at the gate in a makeshift checkpoint.

"Huh? Officer Jenny? What's going on?" Ash saw the bags under her eyes and multiple empty cups of coffee by her feet. Jenny's Manectric looked much the same, and struggled to keep his eyes open. Pikachu climbed down and gave him a jolt from his cheeks, and the manectric growled in appreciation.

"Ahhh, they're just kids. You lot better get inside before they come again." Jenny groaned and took a fresh cup of coffee from one of the soldiers.

"Is everything okay?"

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