Chapter 23

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Jin shared some pictures to Jungkook and Jungkook was happy that Jin opened this up with him. Jin said "you are still his other dad."

They ate lunch happily, talking about their daughter and all other things.

"By the way, thank you for the telescope."

"I broke yours, it's just right that I replace it."

"Actually, I pushed you so I was the one who broke it. But let's not debate on that. I am honestly having a hard time trying to sleep without looking at the telescope. I feel satisfied just seeing every planet with it."

Jungkook just smiled at him and admired how simple Jin is.

"We can go to an observatory one of these days. I can take you to one my dad owns."

"Really? Your dad has an observatory?"

"Yeah. Given my grandfather. I think it's just a hobby of his great grandfather that's why he created it at the top of the mountain. You know how old people get to be bored sometimes and have nothing to do anymore, and suddenly they realize 'hey i want this' and there it is!"

"Wow!Your family has a lot of money. Imagine an observatory just because they are bored?" Jin laughed at it.

Jungkook just smiled and treasured the sound of Jin's laughter.

They were talking non-stop when Jin's phone rang.

"Hello, Soobin? Oh sorry, I will email them now... i see... yeah... no, not a problem at all. I will analyze the rest of the documents and send them your way... okay, bye."

Jin ended the call "sorry, that's work. As much as I want to spend more time with you, I have a lot i need to finish." Jin said apologetically to Jungkook.

"It's okay. I understand. I guess I should get going now?" Jungkook stood up. "And thank you for the lunch. I really liked it. This is nice, I hope we can do it again."

"Ofcourse we can, just knock and I'll prepare lunch for you. You are my cute neighbor anyway." Jin said winking at Jungkook. When he realized what he did, he suddenly blushed.

Jungkook tried to control his smile and said "I'll surely come back tomorrow then, and after you work let's visit our daughter."

"Sound like a plan." He smiled at him.


Jin was smiling non-stop while talking to Hoseok over the phone.

"I'm glad to see that smile again, Jinnie." Hoseok said to his friend lovingly.

"Wh-what? What smile?"

"Don't lie to me, Jinnie! You were smiling the whole time while you talk about your cute neighbor!"

"Stop it, Hoseok! I'm not." He said trying to frown but he's failing big time.

Hoseok laughed at him. "You can't hide anything from me, Jin! Just look in the mirror! You are literally glowing when you haven't even had sex yet!"

"Oh god, Hoseok! No! Don't say that!"

"Why? Are you imagining it?"

"Of course not!"

"Jin, you already had a child with him and now you suddenly became shy?"

"That was 3 years ago, Hobi-ah!"

"Then that will be more exciting." Hoseok answered. "Try it again, maybe it'll be more wonderful!"

Jin was blushing and Hoseok was just laughing at home.

"You know what... whatever! I'll go to sleep now." Jin said ending the call but still with a smile on his face. He never thought that he'll feel this way again and with the same person.

He looked at his telescope given by Jungkook. He looked at the stars using it and after that, went to bed happily. He's just definitely the happiest right now after how many years. His bed suddenly feels so big and he wished he can share it with Jungkook.


"We can invest more in this company and monitor it until end of month. It looks like a new com..." Jin was stopped when his doorbell rang. "Sorry, Soobin. Let me call you later."

Jin opened his door with a smile. "Hey, just right on time. I'm almost done with the stew."

Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth and Jin felt like he's about to faint. "I also brought a cake. Maybe we can eat it after our lunch." He said raising the box he brought.

"That's great. Come inside. You can help me set up the table."

Jungkook happily followed him. "I'll fix the plates."

"Sure, let me go ahead and check the rice."

Jin felt like they were a couple preparing their lunch and he blushed by the thought of it.

He put the stew bowl on the table and next, he took the pork meat he fried earlier.

"This looks delicious, Jin!"

"It should be. I used a lot of ingredients to makenit extra tasty." He gave Jungkook his rice and brought a juice out of the fridge. "Let's eat now, Jungkook."

Jungkook took his seat in front of Jin. Jin was just watching him while he took a bite of the food he prepared. Jungkook looked so angry eating the food and suddenly blurted out "hmm delicious!! This is really good, Jinnie!"

"Really?" Jin smiled and started eating, too. He's so happy that Jungkook liked the food he prepared.

"You should be a chef, Jin. I never tasted a food this good."

"Is this your way of asking to be my permanent visitor?"

Jungkook stoppef eating and was thinking "Can I?"

"Of course you can always drop by for lunch! It's fun to talk to someone while eating." Jin said happily.

"I'll definitely do that starting today."

"But don't bring your fiancè here! I don't like his attitude." Jin said with a pout.

"You are cute! I'm sure he won't also like to be here." Jungkook said laughing at Jin's cute pout.

They continued eating like good friends.

"What time should we visit our daughter?" Jungkook asked.

Jin felt something different whenever Jungkook addressed their daughter as "our". "We can visit her after I work. I just need to finish the analysis I have about a certain company. Probably just 2 more hours. I can just knock at your door when I'm ready."

"Oh, can I just stay here instead? I promise I won't bother you while you were working."

"Uhm, well... I think that's also just fine."

After eating, Jin washed the dishes while Jungkook offered to clean the table. He left Jungkook at the living room while he went to his office smiling at himself.

He closed his office door and just smiled, feeling his heart beat so fast. "Calm down, my heart."

He looked at the frame beside his office table. It was a picture of him and his daughter taken by Hoseok when she was just 2 months old. "Baby... your daddy is here. I wish you have met him. He is so handsome!" He said, touching the frame with a smile. "We'll visit you today. I think he loves you a lot."

He hugged the frame and just continue working after few more minutes, not wanting for Jungkook to wait for a long time.

✅ Completed: The Cute Boy Next Door | A Jinkook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now