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I finally focus on my surroundings as I calmed down from the rush I just had, still not understanding why I had such a rush a few seconds ago. I get up from the seating booth and fix my short dress also messing with my hair a little. I made my way over to the bar area to get another drink and ordered a vodka shot, once it came I downed it in a second. I then felt a presence come sit next to me. I payed no attention until he spoke suddenly.

"Hi..." he said trying to talk over the loud music.

"Hello." I replied turning my head a little.

"I'm mike" he said holding out a hand. I looked at his hand for a second and shook it as a small smiled plastered on my face at the gesture.

"I'm Jessica."

"That's a nice name" he replied making me chuckle at his words.

"Thank you." I giggled a little, he had dirty blonde messy hair with green eyes and wore casual attire and a sexy jawline, He seemed charming if I'm being honest.

"You wanna dance jessica?" He asked me, my face lit up at his words like I was a 13 year old finally getting asked to dance at a middle school function. I nodded slowly as we both stood up from the bar stool as he took my hand in his leading me to the crowd of dancing people. We entered the area as both of us began to dance, he smelled like cologne and roses. I loved that combo almost like a mysterious smell like.

I danced on Mike and flipping my hair around as I laughed with a smile on my face and my body grinding to the music. He had his hands around my waist as he let me dance with him sending chills around my legs, that's when Julia interrupted us.

"Jess, we should leave I'm getting tired." She said over the music. I was to buzzed to drive and her words giving me instant bummer.

"But jules I can't drive I'm to drunk." I laughed a little with Mike still behind me.

"Don't worry I'll drive just let's leave, I wanna lie down." She said achiness in her voice. I groaned at her words with displease and turned to Mike.

"I'm sorry Mike, I need to leave..." I said with a pout.

"But jess I don't even have your number-"

I then gave him a kiss mid sentence as I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and neck as he kissed me back. I slipped my tongue into his mouth as he did too as they swirled together, he tasted of peppermint with my vodka taste making it like poison. I kept making him want more of my taste, until I pulled away unexpectedly leaving him craving more. I then gazed at his eyes once more as I patted his cheek 2 times giving him a smirk as I swung back around flipping my hair in his face then walking away from his presence.

"So who was that guy?" Toshi asked grabbing her purse from the seating booth we once sat at.

"Some hot guy named mike." I said winking grabbing my skimpy cover-up and purse.

That's when I followed behind Julia and Hi zu. Both Julia and Hi zu weren't very heavy drinkers as me and toshi was because we can get a little wild somtimes. We made our way to the exit talking about our night. Once we swung open that front door the cold air from outside flushing me giving me instant goosebumps.

"Tonight was fun am I right?" Toshi asked making us all lock arms as we walked laughing because were a little buzzed from tonight. Our cars were parked in the distance leaving us with walking a long ways from the club. We walked along the dark lit street as all of our heels clacked against the road with our shadows visible still laughing and talking. I loved how it was a cold and dark night with a full moon and light chilly breeze. We finally seen our cars in the distance as all of us let out a relieved sigh, we almost thought our cars were stolen. I didn't notice my surroundings before we went to the club but we must have been in a creepy looking ghost town with boarded up windows on each thing we saw littered with spray painted buildings and reeked with trash. We didn't know the club was apart of this side of the city. We hurried away to our car.

That's when we get to our car unlocking them all instantly, I ran up to toshi holding out my arms for a embrace as she ran to me also giving me a squeeze, we both laughed as we held each other and julia with Hi zu watching us melt together. It was all silence as I held into her arms giving me a sense of comfort taking a wiff of her nature smelling perfume she had drenched in her coat. That's when I hear car tires screech in the distance and the head lights hitting us instantly as I opened my eyes making us all squint, I look at the 3 as they had their eyes locked on the 4 car lights heading towards us in the distance. A flash of fear had gotten sent through me for a odd reason. I squeezed toshi's hand as she did to me as we all watched. I froze in that moment scared of what might happen.

Suddenly the cars finally reach us stopping sending a loud screech to the ground with dust everywhere. It was the first car, then the second, then came the third and forth car behind each other. They stopped as their headlights blinded us, I was begining to think it was the cops but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I heard a car door open from the first car that came and then the other 3 cars had come out. I could only see the outlines of these 4 that had arrived out of no where, I didn't know what they wanted or why they came to us, It scared me a little.

"Jess!" The words spoke, the word sent a bit of familiarization to me instant goosebumps. How did this person know my name?

"Miss me?" Their words with a thick accent sounding like a grown man. He then leaned against his car. I could feel his smirk as he watched me stir from the mysterious words the unknown had just spoken.

"Who is that?" I asked with a stutter almost, those were the only words i could get to roll off my tongue. I felt toshi squeeze my hand in nervousness.

"Oh cmon jess, you know me?"

"No, no I don't."

"You'd forgotten that's why..." the words sounding so Poisonous and rough with edge I felt I could almost feel the words stabbing through my brain.

"Atleast you thought you could jess..."


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