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I stared off blinded by the cars headlights coming around us, I couldn't see anything past the lights like it was only us 4 girls. I could tell the air was thick and un-even making us feel nervous and scared, I still couldn't catch onto the voice who spoke to me, they say they know me but doesn't have the guts to actually tell me who they are. It was honestly wierd that they came out of nowhere stopping us, I almost thought we were gonna get mugged by some guys.

"She doesn't know you, so how about you go off and leave us be." Hi zu said speaking up. I've always admired her fierceness and independent personality, she spoke fluently in Japanese, Not much in English but some.

"Oh she does, she just can't reach far back enough to remeber." The Poisonous voice spoke making me tremble.

"Listen if you know me so much then atleast have the godamn guts to come out and show your ugly ass!" I spat back to the man showing no emotion. This whole thing was honestly pissing me off.

It went silent for a little after I yelled.

That's when the figure finally started moving as I heard their loud footsteps walking across the cold pavement. I shivered at the sound of their boots hitting contact with the ground almost kicking rocks. I stood up straight with seriousness, as I then see the other 3 also move.

His piercing gleaming in the light, a playful smirk on his perfect sculptured face and his dark brown eyes, his gaping siren eyes. Curling into me, burning. Onto me almost hurting my skin, he came closer and closer. The only thing I could do was stare as fear took over me. The one man I feared has came back from the dead like a corpse rising from hell.

My living nightmare Reincarnate....

"You rember me now Jessica?" His voice slithered out of his beautiful mouth. I've always loved the way he said my full name. The way it formed in his German tone, being thick and deep. My breathing stopped as he looked me in my green eyes, our faces inches apart. I could feel the way his hot breath caressed my light skin, the evil in his eyes. The devil, is all I could see in those eyes. Those beautiful dark siren eyes, I could almost feel the heat radiation coming off of him. His warm body. I was cold, and it felt I wanted more heat of his. How warm and blistering with scorch, like I had just opened an oven door and the heat coming off of it.

"Tom..." was all I could get to come out of my numb mouth.

"That's right baby..." he spoke again almost whispering giving me chills. His eyes could say everything, how evil and demented they were and devouring like he could eat me whole. And to be honest I would let him eat me whole, he wore a long leather trench coat with a black sweater underneath which was tight bringing out his slutty muscular waist. God his body was so sexy and I couldn't stop admitting it to myself how gorgeous he is.

"Why are you back" I said coming out of my thoughts.

"That's a good question jess." He said again still not breaking eye contact.

 ~❦︎ ℒ𝒶𝓈𝓉 ℬ𝓁𝒶𝒹ℯ ~ 𝗔 𝗧𝗢𝗠 𝗞𝗔𝗨𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗭 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖Where stories live. Discover now