Your touch❤︎

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I saw his beautiful sweet dark brown eyes, much different from his brothers eyes. I missed that look I always seen from him, How it had worry and fate sucked into them. It felt I could get lost or caved in by those eyes, they were so different in a good way like it comforted me anytime I gazed into them.

"Jess calm down." He spoke, it was so thick with a German deep tone, he sounded so sincere then his idiotic brother, that's why I liked him. Because he was sweet and ongoing with beauty and his personality mesmerizing with lust for every inch and curve to his body. I couldn't let go, nor stop looking into his majestic eyes, I felt trapped with compassion.

"Bill?" My soft voice spoke still not leaving his eyes. His eye makeup got darker and eyeliner more thicker then before, his clothes made of leather like usual, his hair... they were in black dreads with blonde strands on the sides. He is just utterly gorgeous at anything he does with anything he wears. He could have a totally different wardrobe and I'd still envy him...

That's when I snapped out of my thoughts to my arm being pulled back but my eyes not leaving his as nor did he. I winced at the tight hold and finally turned my head. It was a jealous tom...

"What the fuck!" I spat as my face scrunched and tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go. Tom swung me and slapped me across the face, it wasn't hard but left a sting. I cupped my face and seen hi zu trying to leave gustavs grasp but couldn't. With a crying julia as she had a long line of blood going down her face. I started to hear police sirens across town. Tom looked around the area before nodding to the other three boys. Gustav started dragging hi zu, georg pulling a screaming toshi, and Julia getting dragged also by bill. Tom then picked me up by my forearm pulling me up to my feet.

"NO HELP IM OVER HERE-" I said before tom cupped my mouth with his big hands putting my arms behind my back pulling at my waist towards his slick black car. I started screaming but it was only muffled.
Tom then tossed me into the back seat of his car and slamming the door shut. I jumped up from the seat beginning to kick his car door.


"Chill out babe we're going home." He said back calmly. This fucker thinks this is a time to be funny?!

"Like hell I'm going with you, you ASSHOLE" I yelled kicking the back of his leather black seat. He had child lock on the door so I was unable to open the door.

"Quit kicking my shit before I come back there and do somthing you don't want happening" he said yelling while looking at me in the rear view mirror.

I finally went quiet after he yelled back to me. I wondered what he ment by that term "doing somthing you don't want happening" but I'm guessing it ment beating me, I honestly didn't care. I just wanted to know if Julia was okay. I felt horrible for not protecting her. That moment still giving me goosebumps. I looked outside of the window as we drove on the dark lit highway, my eyes could barely stay open and my face stung with pain from getting slapped multiple times tonight.

We kept driving in complete silence not saying a word, I had nothing to say to him so I didn't care. The drive felt forever like it was taking hours, I decided to take a nap because it seems we won't arrive to this unknown place for awhile. I laid down and got my head comfy snuggling up on the seat and curling in closing my eyes slowly drifting into slumber.

 ~❦︎ ℒ𝒶𝓈𝓉 ℬ𝓁𝒶𝒹ℯ ~ 𝗔 𝗧𝗢𝗠 𝗞𝗔𝗨𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗭 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖Where stories live. Discover now