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We went speeding down the highway going 100 mph, I felt my hands grip against the leather seats and one of Tom's arms leaned against the window rest with his other on the steering wheel. The night was cold with a chilly breeze and only the street lamps lighting our way through the highway.

I hear a car come up next to us. It was a dark red mustang as it's engine strident screams. Tom looked out of the window smiling a little before turning up his speed to 200 as we went even faster then before. My hands still gripping my seat, I began to get noxious from the cars fast motion and my surroundings, his loud music did not help at all. I closed my eyes trying to catch my breath and trying to grasp onto my life right now beginning to do the breathing thing.

Tom began to make tight turns and swerve the car left and right making me uneasy. Finally catching my breath I noticed we arrived back to the spot we were once at as tom stopped the car at the finish line. A bunch of people were laughing and screaming making my ears pop many different times. Tom got out of the car and a few seconds later I did too following behind him like a little puppy, I knew I looked stupid and vulnerable right now and pathetic but I didn't wanna get slapped again like the last times I tried to fuck around but ofcourse either way he always needs to choose violence and act like a bitch.

"Ahh! Vin where's my 500?" Tom ask with a sly smile putting out his hand. I was zoned out when I seen the other 3 gang members had appeared around tom.

"You'll get it kaulitz... just one more thing." He said with his voice going deeper. I stood there behind the 4 not saying anything besides a glare as I looked around the area of drunk people laughing.

"Say, whose this one?" The man asks moving the 3 boys out of his way coming  towards me. I took a gulp and my posture fixed up as he got closer.

"Very cute..." he said twirling my hair. I felt uncomfortable in this moment at this person's gesture, he was a short man with a stomach in a black and white suit with his hair slicked back with oil, he looked maybe in his 30s. He had facial hair with a cigar in one hand and the other thats not occupied by my hair. His breath reeked of alcohol and smoke.

"How much for this one kaulitz?" He asked turning his gaze from me to tom. I turned my eyes to tom also and bill had his hand against his side where his gun rested, making me feel untouchable.

"She's not for sale vin." Tom replied with venom and a glare.

"Oh why not? I mean I'll give you an extra thousand for her." He said with a fake grin as he took a drag from his cigar. I couldn't believe this man thinking he could just pay someone so he can take me for money? What am I a mule?.

"I just said Vin, she's not for sale." He said firmly as his jaw clenched walking towards us two.

"Fine kaulitz."

It went quiet for a minute.

"I guess I'll just have to take her." He said as 3 men came next his side pulling out their guns as I felt the man's hand grasp onto me with a tight hold. I began to panick as I heard gunshots firing and the smell of gun powder filling through my nose. The man kept pulling me away but I kept struggling

"Let me go!" I said trying to push him and get away from him. Suddenly his face scrunched swinging his arm back and punching me across the face coming in contact with my upper cheekbone which hurt like a bitch. I fell to the ground wincing at the pain as my butt hit the ground first and then swinging back down to the dirty gravel. I cupped my wound as I winced from the touch, I couldn't help but let a tear fall from my eye. I looked back up and see the man who hit me begin to laugh drunkily, it made me feel even more worse. I keep hearing gunshots and people screaming and running out of the place because of the gunshots.

Suddenly I see tom walk up to Vin punching him in the face fast and hard as the man fell to the ground instantly as his nose bled a little after.

"DID YOU PUNCH HER YOU FUCKING IDIOT" tom yelled at the man who was now laying on the ground as his face was bloody. That's when tom took out his glock pointing it at the man as he cried out for mercy.

Finally, I stood up from the ground dusting off the gravel from my knees and dress still watching in fear as tears fell from my eyes, I wasn't sad or felt anything. Just fear and worries filled through me.

"Say I'm sorry." Tom said loading the gun now as it's still pointed at his head.

"What- I'm not saying that! Not to a filthy pet!" He spat at tom giving me a dirty look while he had a busted lip and bloody nose.

"SAY IT OR ILL BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT!" Tom yelled, he then shot the ground next to the man making my ears pop once again. The man was now shaking as he was crying again. I wondered to myself why was he making him say sorry? He never said sorry when he would beat me.

"I-I'm I'm sorry j-jess-" he said stuttering. I watched as he took a look at me then to tom, Tom's face looking heated as he held the gun to his head. Suddenly the gun went off and I had my eyes squeezed shut because I didn't wanna see his brains all over the ground. I opened my eyes but my head was turned the other way, I watched as the other 3 walked away, I turned back and see tom looking at the dead body and all of vins gang members all dead.

"Go to the car jess." Tom said coldly, no emotion on his face. I wondered what he was thinking right now like if he felt remorse or happiness. I obeyed and turned around walking away to his black slick car.


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