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It has been 6 days since I've been here and all I do is sit on the couch drained and I looked absolutely dead... my skin looks pale and my black hair isn't shiny anymore like I've just woke from the dead and my blue eyes don't look warm and icey. I sat there zoned out of everything not even noticing what's going on around me at all just tuned out of the world from everyone..

I just don't understand how I got here again? How did I end up in this shithole like I did back in germany alone and miserable feeling trapped and sad at the same time all over again... why did he come back for me there's just so many questions and so many answers I need to unfold yet I'm scared if I ask I'll get hit or beat around again. It's like it's 10x more worse then 2 years ago like he's become more colder and stern along with bill who I thought I knew? Somthing had to of happened once I left to make everyone fear tom and become more sadder.

Suddenly as I'm in my thoughts I didn't notice someone calling my name until I tuned back in to reality leaving my loud and silent thoughts to hear tom yelling my name from upstairs... I sigh and stand from the couch as my legs pop from sitting these past 2 days without moving, I walked out of the living room up the stairs quietly for I haven't been up here yet. I find his voice and opened a big wooden door that leads to what looks like a master bedroom that's got a big bed and a few other luxurious decorations and design everywhere around until I spot tom whose sitting at a desk in his room infront of a 2 sided window, He didn't even look at me as I stand there looking at him.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him as he glares out at the window, his Aura dark and unsettling giving me shivers down my spine...

"We are going somwhere tonight and I'd like you to go... it's important." He said still not looking at me just gazing through the window intently.


"Don't worry about it just dress nice." He said coldly back, his whole dark and broading type thing he has going on is actually pissing me off and I wish he'd cut it out.

"What time?" I asked him, finally he looks at me but it was like he was observing me intently looking me up and down with his jaw clenched but finally they come back to my eyes.

"You should clean up you look like a corpse." Tom said firmly to me and turned away from me before doing whatever it was he was doing earlier. But he's right I should my hair needs to get its shine back and my body needs to be washed over... I walked towards his door and leave his room shutting the door behind me and began to walk downstairs to shower in one of his bathrooms.

I go into a guest bathroom and lock the door behind me and put the 2 white towels on the toilet seat and turn on the shower to hot and went to the sink looking at myself and how dead I look... I've only been here for a week and I'm already drained and tired like I'm depressed and it doesn't help I'm here back in a shithole again. I began to slip off my clothes and get into the shower swiftly and my body goes under the hot warm water run down my cold body and finally dipped my head in and it refreshed me dripping down my body as all my emotions go down into the drain along with the water...I opened a shampoo bottle and poured some in hand before rubbing my hands together and scrubbing it into my scalp and all over my hair taking out all the grease.

After my hair was washed I went in and grabbed a sponge before washing my body with it all over 2 times to make sure I'm clean, after I get out and turn off the water grabbing one towel and wrapping my body in it and looked back in the mirror at myself taking a long hard look, my body is a slim yet curved and defined small figure and my long black hair falls past my shoulders along with my icey blue eyes like a godess... I'm beautiful. I began to dry my body neatly and perfectly before putting some lotion that smells good all over my body and after laced myself in perfume before leaving the bathroom in a white robe. I needed clothes so I went upstairs and to Tom's room once again and knocked before opening his door and walking in to see he's on the phone.

"Tom?" I said whisperingly and he turned around and looked me up and down before looking back to my eyes, what? He mouthed at me...

"I need clean clothes??" I said quietly to him, tom stood there and rolled his eyes in a manly way and walked to his walk in closet still talking to the person on the phone but then coming back out with a tall white basket in hand and brought it to setting it down infront of my feet and left the room closing his door behind him... I looked through the clothes and search for underwear and a bra also a shirt and something comfy... I wonder how he has all these clothes? I finally found a fuzzy black long sleeved shirt and some sweat pants changing into those also some white socks and began to brush my hair in his master bathroom. He lives so royalty?

I looked around his bathroom, it's so shiny and new looking but he's already fitting all his belongings in perfectly. I brushed out my long black platinum hair that fell to my lower back... I began to wonder what kind of event he's bringing me to tonight? It's most likely somthing to do with his gang-life or whatever. But I mean I'm kind of excited to go tonight since I haven't been anywhere like this event so I'm pretty anxious to see all his Mob friends and other people.

I leave his bathroom and go to his bedroom once again and looked around, he has a few scenery paintings and a boy-ish like room and white drapes... I ran my fingers along his expensive looking dresser and other pieces of furniture around his room. I walk over to his window and look out to the countryside backyard with hulls of grass and beds of daiseys... is so beautiful out in the country and I always miss it. I sighed and went back to the basket of clothes and took it back to his closet, I'm still wondering how he has all these clothes but I guess they were probably from previous whores and just from second-hand stores.

I looked in his closet and seen a few suits that looked pretty buisnessy and snappy. Also seeing some of his shoes lined up on a shelf neatly, I chuckled quietly and seen a few ties also thinking that he's probably got a new wardrobe.

I leave his closet and close his door behind me before leaving his room, I walk down the stairs quietly before going back to the living room.

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