Part 13

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The smell of cigars, cigarettes, cologne and alcohol filled my nose, many different scents to smell...there were men in suits dressed for business attire with combed hair or just messy hair. There were women in full dress and their hair all done with caked up faces...almost made me feel out of sorts. I could tell this meeting was going to take forever considering how well decorated it is and how expensive the interior of the building looked...

We stood in the main hall that already had people walking around talking amongst themselves not to be loud, a women who wore a royally blue dress shows up in an instant and has a notepad.

"You may follow me." She said casually but also firmly before we all followed alongside and behind her, we walked through rooms and caught a few glances. She stopped us at a table reserved with the name "Kaulitz" on the sign. I sit down opening my own chair and politely sit down...the other four boys did the same.

I glanced at Tom who was keeping up his cold demeanor with a stoic expression, I looked at the other three boys who began to converse amongst themselves....i sighed a bit and sit more comfortably. That's when I felt a hand go over my thigh, the veins on his hands were visible and his knuckles had the numbers "0630" to match his twin brother Bill. Tom who reached over to talk in my ear.

"Go get me a drink." He said to me pulling away and fixed his suit jacket looking at me, I looked around a moment thinking where the hell i get a drink since I have no idea where I am but just stood up and pushed my chair back an leaving the table...I began to walk to the other side of the room to a hallway. Alone at last...wait. What if I just ran away? I mean. I would have a chance I guess....what if I did just dip. I glanced over to the table the four were at and I seen Tom watching me like a hawk and had an expecting look that said "don't do it"...dammit. I looked away and went to find the bar to get him a drink. Asshole didn't even tell me what drink he wanted.

A few minutes later I see people coming back with drinks and just went wherever I thought this bar would be, that was when I seen the long mahogany counter with two bar tenders working the drinks and making beverages for these middle aged people. I walk over to the bar counter, I made my way and waited until I get asked.

"What will it be?" The man with brunette combed curls and a uniform on looked at me. I think a moment of what Tom might like not even remembering....

"Uhm, a whiskey I guess." I replied to the guy, he didn't look too old maybe in his early twenties.

"Alright." He said and walked away to get the liquids, I sighed and stood back looking around the room I was in...many people stood dressed fancily with men who had grim looks on their faces. I had no idea who the hell any of these people are but all look like they mean business...

One of the men standing in the corner caught my eye, I didn't want to stare too long or I'd look like I had a problem so I glanced away but snuck a few peaks. He was standing with 6 other guys...the man had caramel toned skin and black died hair slicked back, he had neck tattoos and peircing hazel eyes it looked like in a darkish red suit apart from the basic black tuxes these other men had...I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice him looking at me so I looked back to see if my drink was ready yet.

 ~❦︎ ℒ𝒶𝓈𝓉 ℬ𝓁𝒶𝒹ℯ ~ 𝗔 𝗧𝗢𝗠 𝗞𝗔𝗨𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗭 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖Where stories live. Discover now