I'm back❤︎

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The whole drive was awkward, I had nothing good to say to him so I said nothing at all... his stupid loud music played as he speeded down the road and we had the other 3 behind us driving at the same speed not giving a interest to be more carful, I watched out of the window intently bored out of my mind and my cheek stung from the achey pain from my hit earlier.

Suddenly we take a turn down a rocky road surrounded by trees and wild life with a few barb wire fences still his loud metal rock music filling my ear... we take another sharp turn making me swirve in my seat and hold on to the door next to me as we drove, the road looked long like it'd go on for miles as I look ahead as it's a long thin Rocky road as we drive still. As he drove we are mostly in the country side as I see hills of green grass clean-like and smooth surrounded by trees and fenced barb wire they must have just bought this land.

Soon we take a slight swirve and we go down the road some more until we take a haul infront of a tall gate with a "K" carved in the middle. Seems very royalty and modern also looking, the gate opens and we enter to see another long black top road that leads to a big dark navy blue house with a black roof and trimming and dark grey windows... it had a tall roof like a three story castle and a 2 sided garage with a fountain in front and good gardening nicely decorated. I looked at it in awe watching intently as the garage door opens and he drives inside to reveal a spacious looking garage with cement walls and floors with a few other cars also.

He stops the car and I see the other 3 cars pull into the garage also parking and getting out. I also did after tom and looked around at my surroundings but it looked fairly new like they haven't fully moved in yet so I'm guessing they just got this home. As soon as I get out bill opens his back door to his car and I see Julia run out fast to me and I grabbed her hugging her tight as she holds me also.

"I'm so sorry jess!" Julia said into my chest and I stroked the back of her hair

"Don't be sorry Jules it's not your fault we are here I promise." I said back and kissed the top of her head.

She sniffled as she cried a bit holding onto me

"You might wanna re-ask her jess." Tom said in a cold tone with a sly grin as he stood next to Bill, I looked at him as a few tears fell from my eyes and back to Julia who stopped hugging me looking worried at me.

"What's he talking about jules?" I asked her looking a bit worried.

"Should I tell her?" Tom said crossing his arms and leaning against his car looking at Julia intently as I stared at her, somthing about this doesn't feel right.

"Tell me what jules." I said to her sincerely as she looked to the ground sadly.

"When, we were leaving Germany to tokyo... on our last day." She stopped still looking around the room as her eyes are red cryingly.

"I... I told them where we were going." Julia said as her lips quiver and her breath trembles with a slight of guilt and worry, my heart drops looking at her and the words she just spoke made me feel angry yet sad all at the same time.

"Why." I said coldly as my hands let go of her still looking her dead in the eyes.

"You knew it was my fucking way to escape and you told him where we'll be?!" I yelled at her with anger and frustration.

"Jess I'm sorry I promise it's not my fault please! I had no choice!" She said yellingly to me and I felt so angry... she's right she wouldn't of had a choice because of how crazy and psychotic tom is.

I turned and looked at tom, all my anger rushes through me like venom and my eyes felt of poison.

"You did this! You set me up and followed me to tokyo because your such a fucking freak!" I yelled at tom and came towards him seeing nothing but red and he scoffed making me even more angry, I went up and slapped him across the face hard and fast with no remorse.

"You couldn't have just let me get away and leave could you because your such a maniac and psycho right?!" I yelled in his face and his eyes looked angry looking down at me, I went in and swung my arm to hit him but georg and bill grabbed me fast enough I wouldn't and I tried pulling back from them but they were much stronger then me so I couldn't, They held me back and tom chuckled slightly at me and the anger flow through me. Bill and georg took me inside and threw me down on the couch and I got up but bill pushed me again.

"Push me again and your next bill so move." I said to him and got up again pushing past him but instead he grabbed my wrist hard and pulled me back to him.

"You won't jess, so just sit and cool down yeah?" Bill said with a cold and stern expression with his deep tone in voice...my eyes wander his face as his dreads caught my eye along with his black eye makeup but i think I like this look better but his demeanor definitely changed which is surprising...

"Fine." I replied with coldness and sat down on the couch crossing my arms with a glare... he walked away from me down a hallway as I hear the sounds of his loud heavy metal leather boots get more distant and I hear a door open and close. I looked around me to see a love seat and a coffee table infront of me along with a TV infront of the couch going perfectly. I looked around as it was quiet now leaving me confused, angery, frustrated, worried and sad also as I was so pissed at Julia for telling them where we'd be the whole time. That's when I hear a door open and it's their garage that opened and I see tom along with Hi zu and Julia, I stood up as tom had tape on their mouths and held their arms as Gustav had Julia...

"What are you doing with them??" I asked and walked a bit closer and tom gave me a glare, his cheek had a slap mark on it from my doing earlier...

"Don't worry about it." Tom said in a rude tone and a cold glare.

"Tell me you can't just do tha-"

"Do you wanna go with them?!" Tom yelled angrily at me with a cold and Poisonous glare, I went quiet after he said that.

"Then go. Sit. Down." He said to me, Gustav put his head down and I looked at Julia who stood there in Tom's grasp, he turned away from me and took the two girls away somewhere I didn't know... I still stood there not knowing what to do.


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