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EVERYONE, I have an announcement,” Tony announces, walking into the conference room.

“Well, yeah, otherwise you wouldn’t have called us in here,” Clint says, propping his feet up on the shiny table.

“What’s the announcement?” Steve asks, swatting Clint’s feet off the table.

“Lexi will be joining the Avengers.” Tony proclaims.

You walk in and stand next to Tony. “Hey, everyone.”

“Hi, Lexi.” Natasha smiles at you.

“Are you sure it’s safe for Lexi to be joining, Tony?” Bruce asks. “She’s only 14.”

Tony stares at him. “Do you really think I would let her join if I didn’t take every precaution possible to make sure she was safe? I made her suit myself, Bruce.” He glances at you. “Plus, you should know by now, she’s pretty tough.” He fully turns to look at you as the corners of his mouth turn up into a half-smirk, half-smile.


A week later, you’re in the living room with the other Avengers watching Back to the Future when a loud beeping noise fills the room. You whip around to face Natasha. You’ve heard the alarm many times before, but now that it calls to you as well, it takes on a new meaning. It seems to vibrate through your skull.

“JARVIS, pause the movie.” Tony orders.

You turn to face Steve as he stands up, putting on what you’ve come to think of as his “captain face”. “Avengers, get suited up. Be up at the Quinjet in 20.”

You jump up and run to the Weaponry, grab your suit, and quickly change. Once you’ve stuffed your utility belt with as many weapons as it can hold (though you can only fill one of the three grenade pouches because there weren’t many left and Natasha and Clint needed more than you), you go up to the roof where the Quinjet is waiting. Tony is already sitting in the pilot’s seat, Natasha is in the passenger's seat, and the rest of you sit in the seats lining the inner walls of the jet.

Steve looks around at all of you. “A new HYDRA base has appeared on our radar, and we need to shut it down before it can do any damage to the surrounding area.”

“Any civilians?” Natasha asks.

He nods grimly. “There’s a town less than two miles away.”

A little while later, Tony announces, “We’re here. There’s a wooded area near the base, it should be hidden enough to land there.”

So, he lands in the wooded area. Once the Quinjet has silently touched down, you all head out. You glance at Steve, expecting him to give the plan, but it’s Natasha who speaks first.

“I say we split up,” Natasha suggests. “It’ll be faster.”

Everyone agrees to that, so you all head off in different directions. You take off into the forest, heading through the trees to the back of the base where you can hopefully catch them off-guard. You weave through the trees, hopping over roots, ducking under branches, and skirting around spider webs, all the while keeping an eye on the base as best you can through the thick trunks. When you pop out of the trees, you notice a pair of agents, and decide to take them out before they can call for backup. You hurriedly taze them, using just enough energy to knock them unconscious, but not enough to kill them.

You pull out your double pistols and run along the left side of the building, but don't see any HYDRA agents. (And you have to admit to yourself, that’s a relief, because you’re not exactly prepared to kill people.) When you reach the front of the base, the fight is in full swing, with Steve attempting to choke two agents at once. You run up to him, but don't have to do anything, because Steve punches one of them, rendering him unconscious, then strangles the other one.

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