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A salvage yard on the African coast. That’s where Klaue is now. After a quick phone call to Aunt May where Peter told her that the Stark Internship sleepover he had been using as an excuse for staying at the tower overnight last night would be lasting a little longer, you all got into the Quinjet and flew to the location Tony found.

Bruce stays in the jet while the rest of you go inside the ship Klaue works out of. You, Peter, Clint, and Natasha all hide in the hall outside the room where Ultron was talking to Klaue while Tony, Thor, and Steve go to confront him face-to-face. They talk with Ultron for a bit, trying to trick him into telling them why he needs the vibranium.

They’re unsuccessful, though, and the conversation ends with the sound of metal being thrown against metal. It’s followed by repulsor blasts and gunshots, and you know the fight has begun. You and Peter go into a side hallway and work together to disarm four of Klaue’s men and knock two more unconscious.

“Alright, Team Spider Star, if you two could be so kind as to get all of Klaue’s men out of the way, that would be greatly appreciated,” comes Tony’s voice over comms.

“What the hell do you think we’ve been doing? Getting frozen yogurt?” you ask, firing a large blast from the Shooting Star, sending three men flying.

“Well, you never know with teenagers,” Tony says lightly, his voice accompanied by several repulsor blasts and the sound of a robot exploding.

“Yeah, okay, whatever.”

You roll your eyes, jumping off the Shooting Star and landing on a man’s shoulders, delivering a sharp blow to the head to render him unconscious. After he’s fallen to the ground, you disarm him, taking his two guns and one taser.

Once the hall is empty of Klaue’s men, the two of you go to where the main fight is happening, you hovering a couple inches off the ground. When you leave the hallway, you immediately spot Natasha being pinned up against a balcony by four men. Their backs are to you, so you could easily sneak attack them.

“Hey AV,” you whisper. “Get me up there.”

She does, and you do the same jump onto a guy’s shoulders with the blow to the head. The other three turn to you, but one is thrust forward into the balcony railing behind you as Natasha punches the back of his skull. He slides to the ground, leaving behind a smear of red on the chipped yellow paint. The remaining two split up, with one going for you and one going for Nat. He aims a punch at you, but AVIS moves the Shooting Star between you. He yelps in pain as his hand hits the solid metal, and you quickly have AVIS fire a repulsor blast at him. He falls to the ground, giving you a clear view of Natasha hauling her guy over the balcony railing. She turns to you.

“Got any extra guns? Those bastards disarmed me.”

You hand her the two you stole from the guy back in the hallway. She takes the guns, looking them over.

“Are these yours? They seem really big.”

“No, I stole ‘em from one of Klaue’s guys back there,” you explain, jerking your thumb in the direction of the hall.

Natasha nods, approval in her eyes. “Smart move. Did you get all of Klaue’s men?”

“Not all of them. We cleared out a hallway and we were about to go do another, but then I decided I should come help you.”

She laughs. “I appreciate it. Just make sure you do get all of them. We don’t want Ultron to have any allies when Stark takes him on.”

You nod and climb back onto the Shooting Star, then you and Peter head off to a hallway across from the one you were just in. A blur of silver and blue passes you, and suddenly you’re being thrown into a tower of crates, and Peter is halfway up the wall.

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