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CLINT barely has time to land the Quinjet before you’re drawn into the fight.

You all quickly split up: Bruce goes to find Natasha, Thor goes into the caves to look for the vibranium Ultron stole, Tony and Vision go into the church to fight Ultron directly, and the rest of you evacuate civilians and destroy robots.

“AVIS, scan all buildings within a 10 mile radius,” you order. “We need every single building cleared out.”

“Yes, Miss Stark.”

A few seconds pass, then all heat signatures within 10 miles appear on your suit display. You quickly fly in and out of buildings, directing people away from where Peter is taking on two robots at once.

After you clear out a 5-story apartment building, you and Peter move to go closer to where the rest of the Avengers are, but an approaching cloud of robots stops you.

“Should we do the web slingshot again?” you suggest.

“Let’s do it,” he agrees eagerly.

After he preps the slingshot, you fly over the tightly-pulled web and drop down in front of him, once again standing flush against him with your feet on top of his. You pull out your twin pistols, and he moves his arms to secure you better.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Ready,” you respond. “Three.”


“One!” you say together.

Peter lifts up his feet, and the webs immediately go from being pulled taunt to loose and springy as they propel you forward. Inertia pulls you away from him as you begin to shoot at the approaching group of robots. Peter knocks two of them together, causing them to explode, then webs a few more together and tosses them into the nearby river, drowning them.

Peter swings by and catches you just before you hit the ground, carrying you up to a rooftop. You put the guns away as you tell AVIS to bring the Shooting Star to you, and when it’s parallel with the building, you take a running leap and jump onto it. It sinks slightly before jerking up, throwing you back into the air.

You land on the back of a robot, and aim a punch to the neck like you did with the Iron Legion, only to find these robots don’t have the same brittle neck metal. You whip out the taser you stole from the guy back at the salvage yard, turn it all the way up, and press it against the back of the robot’s head, which causes it to short-circuit. As you and the robot fall, the Shooting Star zooms under your back to catch you, and you fling your arms up over your head, throwing the robot towards the group of remaining ones, knocking two of them out of the air. Peter hastily finishes off the last three, and the two of you go back onto the ground.

“Woah. I can’t believe we just did that,” Peter says, staring at the robot carnage surrounding the two of you.

“Well, Team Spider Star is pretty cool.” You smirk.

A loud rumble fills the air, followed by dust. The ground begins to shake, and Peter loses his balance, almost falling forward.

“What the hell? AVIS, what’s going on?”

“Sokovia is going for a ride,” is all AVIS says.

The ground shakes again, and then the apartment buildings near you begin to move downwards. Only, it’s not the apartment buildings moving, but you. The ground bumps into the bottom of the Shooting Star, and this time, it’s you who almost loses their balance. AVIS adjusts your speed so you’re moving just a little bit faster than Sokovia.

“AVIS, look for any heat signatures in the nearby buildings.”

Thankfully, no heat signatures pop up on your suit display.

“All clear on the outskirts of the rock,” you report into comms.

“Alright, come over here and help the rest of us,” Steve commands.

“We’re on our way.”

As you and Peter start to go over to where Steve is, he falls over as Sokovia shakes even harder than before. You return to the edge and peer over the edge to see the bottom of the rock is completely out of the ground now.

“We need to find where the vibranium is,” you say to Peter.

Peter nods. “Find it and shut it down.”

“And fast.”

As the two of you look at each other, you realize the weight of the task the Avengers have at hand. Victory will result in countless Sokovians saved. But failure…

Failure will result in more than losing those lives.

“Do you see the beauty of it?” Ultron’s voice echoes over the land. “The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal.”

“Oh my god,” you whisper, feeling nauseous.

“I found the rest of the vibranium,” Tony states. “If Ultron didn’t put it into his robots, he put it into the vibranium core in the church. It has a magnetic field, and it’s keeping the rock together. Right now, FRIDAY calculated that the rock is already high enough to kill thousands of people. Once it gets high enough, it’ll cause global extinction.”

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