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AS Happy pulls up to the Avengers Tower, you hear a soft “Woah…” coming from the seat next to you.

“Have you ever seen Avengers Tower before?” you ask Peter.

“Well, yeah, but only in pictures. This is my first time seeing it in person. It’s a lot cooler in real life, y’know?”

You nod. “Totally. And the inside is even cooler.”

He stares at you. “We get to go inside…?”

Seeing the shocked expression on his face makes you laugh. You really hope it doesn’t come off as laughing at him, though. “You’re an Avenger now. And this is Avengers Tower. So, yeah, you get to go inside.”

Happy pulls the car into the bottom floor of the tower, which serves as a private garage for you, Tony, the rest of the Avengers, and other trusted people like Pepper and, of course, Happy.

“How about you give him the full tour of our floors?” Tony suggests to you. “Give him the lay of the land, and all that.”

You nod and get out of the car. “C’mon, follow me.”

Peter gets out of the car too, and the two of you enter the bustling lobby. People call out your name and wave to you, and you smile at them as you walk towards the Avengers’ private elevator, but don’t stop to talk to anybody.

Every other elevator in the tower uses regular buttons, but this one is controlled by JARVIS and uses voice recognition, so only a few select people can use it. And, since the rest of the elevators don’t include buttons to take you to the Avengers’ private floors, this is the only elevator that can take you to them.

You both step inside and you tell JARVIS to take you to the main floor of the Avengers’ quarters. On the ride up, you decide to have JARVIS add Peter to the list of people that can control the elevator. When the doors open, the two of you are met with 10 eyes all staring intently at you. There’s a moment of awkward silence, before it’s broken by Steve.

“Who’s this?”

“This is Peter,” you explain. “He’ll be joining the Avengers.”

The 10 eyes are accompanied by five confused expressions, so you try again.

“Spider-Man? Did Dad not tell anyone else about that?”

“No, he did,” Natasha says. “He just didn’t tell us some of the more… important parts.”

You can tell Nat is subtly trying to say that Peter seems way too young to be an Avenger. Clint, however, has never known how to be subtle.

He’s the new Avenger Stark was going on and on about? He looks like he’s five!”

“Wh– he’s 14 like me!”

Five confused expressions shift into five surprised expressions. You sigh.

“Okay, never mind. I’m going to give him a tour now, since he’s the new Avenger.”

The Avengers have five private floors: one floor is the living room, dining room, and kitchen; two are bedrooms; one is the medbay and labs for you, Tony, and Bruce; and one is the top floor where the Avengers arrested Loki during the Battle of New York. The tour doesn’t take very long, and afterwards, the two of you go into your room. You plop down on your bed, and Peter makes himself comfortable in your desk chair. You’ve been making small talk during the tour, and now the conversation gets to education.

“So, where do you go to school?” you ask.

“Oh, uh, Midtown High. The full name is Midtown School of Science and Technology, and it’s a private magnet school for, well, science and technology stuff.”

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