chapter three

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"he could never love you" by henry morris, playyard

╓═══════☆═══════╖"he could never love you" by henry morris, playyard

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〈𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑣〉

So I listened to Vance, I would have fun.. well at least try to have fun in a place where I knew nobody.

I had talked to some girl that I met near the bathroom but she left as soon as I assume her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her waist, good for her I guess.

So at this moment I was glancing around the house, wondering what i'm doing here..

"Hey" a voice said that caught my attention.

"Hm?" I ask as I look up to the person only for it to be Michale.. you see we used to date but then something happened but I don't like to think about it.

"What do you want?" I ask my voice turning bitter just from the look at him "Just wanted to talk to you, you looked lonely" he says as he leans on the wall next to me.

"Don't need your pity" I say as I cross my arms, looking away from him and into the crowd of people, where Vance was at.

"I figured you'd say that..." Michale says with a soft chuckle "but I have a question" he says after a solid second of silence.

"Shoot" I mutter to him, giving him the chance to speak "what are you doing here? you don't like things like this" he says which only makes me let out a small 'tch sound.

"And of course you'd remember now" I say. He groans at the mention "last time was an accident—look i'm sorry that I brought you there" he says bringing up the reason why we broke up.

It sounds silly but the whole explanation was, he took me a party for our anniversary which I didn't like, when we were there I had begged him if we could leave he would always say no. So when I tried to leave the party without him, he cursed me out for being 'ungrateful'.

One thing led to another and the next day a girl came up to me saying that she saw him kissing another girl that night when I left.

"Everything was an accident babe—you have to believe me" he whispers in my ear as his hand grasps mine "don't you dare call me that and let go of me" I say, turning to him as I try to tug my hand back but his hold was strong. He was stronger, I should've known that by now.

"fine but.. I miss us Y/n and I know you do to" he says as he puts some distance between our faces as if he didn't he knew I would get louder. "Like hell I miss you" I say as I glare at him.

My hands becoming sweaty due to me stressing out, all I wanted was for him to let go of my hand but he wasn't doing that.

"We were good together" he says his grip tightens "that's what you think" I say as I try to tug my hands away but he doesn't let go.

"Just let go and I don't have to see your stupid face again" I say as I take steps back trying to do anything that would make him let go of my hands "come on you like my face—and I won't let go until you give me another chance" he says as I back into a wall.

"Not going to happen" I say as I try to turn around but he takes the time to pin me against it. "Then i'll just have to make you" Michale says as his hands go to the sides of my head.

"Michale stop" I whisper as I try to sink down but he beats me to it by putting a leg in between mine.

"Say it" Michale says as his tone becomes more harsh "say what?" I ask stupidly as I try to think of a way to get out of his grasp. "That you'll give me another chance.. that you miss me too" he says as he inches his face closer but I'm faster.

I turn my head to the side so only my side profile is in his view "that would be lying because I don't miss you" I lie. I have missed him, but I only missed the part of him that was nice to me. The part of him that showed up to my house bringing me my favorite flowers when I would get sick. But he's gone, and he's not coming back.

"Just say it" he says as his hands go to grab my hair which causes me to let out a small yelp, my hair was always been sensitive from anyone's grasp.

Within a split second he lets go but not because he wanted to, it was because he was tackled by someone.

I couldn't quite make out who it was since he tackled him in a flash of a second.

"what the hell" Michael says before the guy begins to punch him, some girls and guys see this and crowds around him. But then soon enough one pulls the boy away from Michale... and it was Vance who tackled him, who left punches on his face.

He glances up at me before rushing out of the house.. was he okay? Why'd he do that? I rush after him for answers.

"Vance?.." I mutter as I step out of the house. He only hums as he sits down on the stairs on the front porch. "If you did that for me it was stupid" I say as I sit down next to him "it wasn't for you.. I just—it wasn't for you" he says, struggling to speak. I take it as I sign to shut up.

After minutes of silence and the trees rustling he speaks up "I only did it because I saw my mom in you" he mutters. "What do you mean?" I ask as I turn my head to look at him but he only looks ahead.

"When my parents were together he used to put my mom in that exact position.. so when I saw it I just snapped" Vance says as he finally turns his head to face mine.

"It's not personal—I didn't do it for you" he whisper. I only nod as he stands up.

"Now let's go back to my house, our moms might be there now" he says. I again nod as I stand up, all ready to go.

1093 words

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄|Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now