chapter eleven

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'bite the hand' by boygenius

In the morning I wake up to the phone ringing

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In the morning I wake up to the phone ringing. I somehow make my way out of the fort without destroying it.

My eyes blurry causing me to barely make out anything.. including the table.

"Ow" I winced from my hip hitting the table. I finally reach the phone that was ringing. I grab the telephone and mutter a small "hello?"

"Y/n? it's your mom.. I won't be getting home till later later" her mom spoke through the cell. The sound of loud music flowing through the home phone. "Mkay mom.. love you" I mutter before hanging up.

I rub my eyes and lea on the wall behind me.

"What was that?" Vance asks. His voice raspy and broken due to just waking up. "My mom called.. said she wasn't gonna—" I yawn, "wasn't gonna come home till later" I finished my sentence before I was interrupted by another yawn.

"Guess that means we can sleep in?" Vance asks only to be met with a sharp "no"

He groans as he sees me take the blankets(walls of the fort) down.


"What are you cooking?" Vance asks as he takes down the rest of the fort. Which I forced him to do.

"Just scrambled eggs and sausage" I say with a simple shrug as I set the plate of eggs down before getting started on the sausage.

"Who taught you to cook?" he asks "myself" I give a swift answer. Careful not to stand too close as the sausages popped with the cooking oil.


"So what now?" he asks as I continue to at my food. He already finished his food due to him being a fast eater. He basically inhaled the food the minute I gave him the plate.

"What do you mean?" I ask before I eat the last of my food. "I mean what are we gonna do today?" he asks with a annoyed look.

Like I was supposed to read his mind. Fuckin' idiot.

"We could stay inside" I offer an idea but he immediately shakes his head and groans. "Yeah no—let's go out I know a spot" he says.

"Mkay just let me get ready"


"You have any hair spray?" Vance asks as he walks in my room. "I think so—check underneath my sink" As soon as I respond he goes off into my restroom.


I groan as I go the restroom only to see the can of hairspray in the trash cans. "What?" he asks only for me to glare up at him. "You used the whole can?" I ask holding in a scoff. "Yeah?" he says with a 'obvious' tone.

"You owe me" I groan before walking out of my bathroom as he mutters "I don't owe you shit"


"This—this is the spot" *I ask as I point to the abandoned "tower". It had graffiti everywhere. Some written in spray paint and others just in sharpies. The place was a mess.

Vance nods and grabs my wrist before leading me inside. He leads me inside and up the stairs.

After five minutes I felt like my legs were going to fall off.. because of the amount of stairs.. obviously.

"How high is it" I groan as we continue to walk. "High enough that if you fell you'd die" Vance says as he keeps his eyes ahead. "Wow so comforting" I mutter.


"Holy shit" I mumble as we reach the final level. The concrete ground was cut in half but still stable. "How'd you find out about this place?" I ask as I sit down on the concrete. "Ran away when I was 14" he answers as if it's normal.

"Classic teen angst" I joke only for him to shove my shoulder. "Okay-okay my bad" I mumble as I rub my shoulder.

We sit together in silence. Well not total silence. The birds could be heard, it was almost annoying but better noisy than too quiet.

I turn my head to look at him only to see he was already looking. "Soo.. what now—mph" Im cut off from him leaning in and pressing his lips against mine.

What the fuck?

What the ACTUAL fuck.

I immediately freeze up only for him to pull away. His conflicted eyes trying to read me. "Vance I—" "save it" he mumbled before rushing off.

"You can't just walk off after kissing me" I say aloud as I follow him. "Like hell I can" He responds almost immediately. I'm behind him, desperately trying to catch up and not fall at the same time.

"What was that for?—was it an accident or something?" I ramble about what the kiss could've meant when all of a sudden he turns around. I immediately stop in my tracks.

"It didn't mean shit, it was in the heat of the moment so get the fuck over it"


"oh" I mumble quietly.

He immediately rushes off. Leaving me there on the stairs.

"You can't just leave me here I don't even know where I am!" I call out as I rush after him. I've never been to this side of town. I just came back like not even two weeks ago.

"Find your own way home" he yells.

"Fucking asshole!" I yell as tears well up in my eyes from frustration.

How the fuck was I gonna get home?


918 words

an: none of this is proof read soo there might be some spelling mistakes so please just tell me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄|Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now