Founder Day

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Elena and I were all dressed up for Founder's Day, our outfits carefully put together with the help of our duplicate mom and Jenna.

As they helped us get ready, we both exclaimed, "Ouch, this dress hurts!" at the same time.

Our mom simply laughed and replied, "Suck it in, babies."

Founder's Day Parade.

Carol was her usual bossy self, barking out orders as we prepared to get on the Founder's Day float.

Damon strolled up to his brothers, grinning as he quipped, "Look at you all retro."

Stefan raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

With a smirk, Damon responded, "Why wouldn't I be here? Did you forget I'm Bonnie's escort?" Then, teasingly, he added, "Or were you thinking I was here to steal your girl?"

Stefan rolled his eyes. "Don't start with me, Damon."

But Damon couldn't help himself. "Oh, but Stefan, you started with that whole 'I'm insecure, leave Cassandra alone' speech."

Stefan sighed. "As long as you heard it."

"What?" Damon feigned ignorance. "Sorry, I couldn't hear over all your jealousy."

Stefan glared at him. "Look, I get why you're insecure. I'm the better, hotter, superior choice. Now that Katherine is out of the picture, you're afraid I'll turn my attention to Cassandra. But you can relax. Matilda is not Katherine." Damon taunted to his brother.

Stefan smiled. " You are right she is not.

As they stood there, the Gilbert sisters approached in their period dresses, looking eerily like Katherine. Both Stefan and Damon smiled and waved at them, a sense of déjà vu washing over them.

Caroline, ever the perfectionist, instructed the photographer, "Okay, once more!"

I groaned, "Caroline, sweetie, we've been taking pictures nonstop, and this corset is killing my ribs. So either wrap it up, or I'll wrap you up."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Okay, cranky pants." She quickly snapped the final photo.

Finally, we made our way to the float and waved to the crowd. The event was over, and I couldn't wait to get out of those uncomfortable clothes.

As I was changing, Damon snuck up behind me, saying, "You know, I think I liked you better this way, Matilda."

I turned around, raising an eyebrow. "In what way? And why do you still call me Matilda? You know you can call me by my name now, right?"

Damon, as smug as ever, replied, "I like you when you're relaxed and rocking your crazy rainbow hair. Brunette doesn't suit you. And as for why I call you Matilda, I like the fact that I'm the only one who gets to call you that."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his typical arrogance. Ignoring it, I pressed on, "Hey, why is your brother worried about our friendship?"

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