Chapter 3: Drastic Shifts

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3rd POV

Amber: [Yap... Why?]

The next day, Amber reluctantly told everyone what happened to Yap, even showing his insignia. 

Kaeya: Amber, are you sure this isn't a prank? 

Amber: Wha-?! Of course not!

Amber hesitated for a moment, her face flushed with frustration and concern as she held Yap's discarded insignia in her hand. She took a deep breath before addressing her fellow knights.

Amber: I wish this was a prank, Kaeya, but unfortunately, it's not. Yap... he's in a really dark place right now.

Jean: What happened, Amber? Please, tell us everything.

Amber proceeded to recount the conversation she had with Yap, explaining his deep emotional turmoil and his misguided intentions to take extreme measures.

Amber: He's hurting so much, and he's overwhelmed with anger and pain. I tried to reason with him, but he seemed so fixated on the idea that by hurting Leo, he could somehow protect Eula's reputation.

Lisa: (concerned) This is serious. Yap needs help, and we need to find him before he does something he might regret.

Jean: I agree. Let's all split up and search for him. We need to make sure he's safe and bring him back.

As the knights dispersed to look for Yap, Eula approached Amber, her eyes filled with worry and guilt.

Eula: Amber, I had no idea he was feeling this way. I never meant to cause him so much pain.

Amber: (placing a reassuring hand on Eula's shoulder) Eula, this is not your fault. Relationships can be complicated, and misunderstandings happen. Yap needs time to heal and sort through his emotions.

Eula: But I want to help him. I don't want him to feel like he has to go through this alone.

Amber: I know you care about him, and I believe he cares about you too. But right now, he needs space. Let him come to terms with his feelings, and when he's ready, he'll reach out.

Eula nodded, her heart heavy with concern for Yap.

As the Vision holding Knights all went around searching for Yap, their target went back to his dorm to take some stuff. Once certain and got what he wanted, namely his weapons, some food, and his bag, he gets out of the dorm, and prepares to leave.

However, he did notice the knights patrolling all seem to be more vigilant than usual. Using his Cryo Vision, he makes sure to conceal himself while not leaving too strong of a trace for his pursuers to track down.

The chilling winds of Mondstadt carried Yap's concealed figure as he moved with a blend of determination and caution. Every footstep felt heavy, burdened not only by the weight of his emotions but also the uncertainty of his next steps.

Yap's mind was a tempest of conflicting thoughts. The image of Eula and Leo together played on a loop, stirring the flames of jealousy and betrayal. Yet, buried beneath that anger was the pain of his shattered heart, a heart that had once been so entwined with Eula's.

His surroundings were a blur as he navigated the city, the streets and alleys becoming a maze of memories and emotions. He wanted to escape, to find solitude in the wilderness and sort through his feelings without the constant reminder of what he had lost.

Meanwhile, the other knights continued their search for Yap, combing through every corner of Mondstadt. Venti, perched on a rooftop, scanned the city below with a thoughtful expression. He knew that Yap was hurting deeply, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility as a friend.

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