Chapter 16: Mondstadt Once More

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Author: A fair heads up. Those who have read "A Baron's Herrscher", especially the early chapters and some other chapters.. anyway if you dislike what you're reading, skip straight to the very bottom. I'll have some things to say there.


3rd POV

The stillness of the moment, Yap found solace. The frigid embrace of Dragonspine seemed to envelop him, offering a sense of peace and clarity amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be swept away by the tranquility of the snowy landscape.

The next day, Yap, as the Frostfall Revenant himself walks all the way to Mondstadt's front gates, clad in his frosty armor, swordspear in hand, he stood at the threshold of the city, a solitary figure amidst the bustling activity.

The knights on patrol, catching sight of him, reacted swiftly, their expressions tense with apprehension. Several hurried back into the city to inform Jean and the other knights of the Frostfall Revenant's presence, knowing that his arrival heralded an inevitable confrontation.

Within the city walls, Jean received the news with a heavy heart. She knew that the arrival of Yap, now the Frostfall Revenant, meant trouble. Gathering the knights, she prepared them for the looming battle, hoping to stall for as long as possible to minimize casualties.

Even Diluc, the usually aloof one, wasted no time as he joined the knights to fight.

Yap: Knights of Favonius. Once, an ally. Now, nothing more but a hindrance. Answer my question, and I might just let you all live for another day. Where are they? 

Jean knew what he meant. Leo and Eula. She stepped forward, her expression resolute despite the tension in the air.

Jean: Yap, there's no need for further bloodshed. Leo and Eula have moved on from your world, seeking peace and a new life together. 

Yap's demeanor remained impassive, his gaze piercing as he listened to Jean's words. After a moment of silence, he spoke, his voice low and steady.

Yap: Peace, you say? A new life? They don't get to escape so easily. They've meddled enough in my affairs. Tell me where they are, or face the consequences.

The knights, standing behind Jean, braced themselves for a fight, their weapons at the ready. But Jean remained steadfast, her eyes locked with Yap's.

Jean: I cannot betray their trust, Yap. They've chosen their path, and it's not for us to interfere.

Yap's grip tightened on his swordspear, his resolve unyielding.

Yap: So be it. If you won't tell me willingly, then I'll find them myself. And when I do, there will be no mercy.

With those words, the Frostfall Revenant begins fighting the knights, his abilities proving one very clear fact: During his time in the Abyss, he has grown in power. 

He easily tears through the ranks of the Knights of Favonius, and every attempt to catch him off guard was met with a heavy blow, and Diluc had the misfortune of getting elbowed in the ribs directly. 

Recovering from the blow, Diluc rallied the knights to regroup and form a more coordinated defense. They adjusted their tactics, working together to try to outmaneuver Yap and find an opening to strike. However, Yap seemed to anticipate their every move, countering with calculated strikes that left the knights reeling.

Jean, observing the battle with a heavy heart, knew that they were facing a formidable opponent. She called upon the knights to focus their efforts on protecting the city and its people, urging them to hold their ground until reinforcements could arrive.

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