|Felix|Chapter 3|

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After 10 Minutes You arrive at you training and see your best friend coming towards you. She is short, has a bit of a chubby face,has long hair and is very kind and beautiful, her name is ceren.
"Oh, look who it is. HII Y/N."
You're glad to see your friend, because after the interaction with Hyunjin earlier, you need some sort of distraction. Your friend would never betray or upset you, unlike the bodyguard.
"Hey! You won't believe what my dad did! He hired a bodyguard for me to learn me some manners or something, he is so annoying"
You say annoyed by only thinking of hyunjin.
"Wait, are you serious?"
She looks surprised.
"Your dad hired some random bodyguard to watch you? That seems... extreme. What does he expect the bodyguard to do, exactly? Does he expect the bodyguard will punish you or something?"
Your friend raises an eyebrow at you.
"Yes! Exactly! The bodyguards name is Hyunjin and he has whole power over me because my dad paid him"
"Power over you, huh?"
You raise an eyebrow at your friend's words. That bodyguard sounds extremely controlling. There's more to this than simply making sure you behave.
"And you're okay with being watched and controlled by this person? Does he punish you when you misbehave?"
She asks you confused.
"I am not alright with this! I already tried to convince my father but he didn't listen to me! And to be honest...he is good looking too.."
You are shocked by what you just said. Did you really just called hyunjin 'good looking'? Why would you compliment someone that you hate?
"Whoa, wait. You think the bodyguard is good-looking..?"
Your friend looks surprised at your words. Why are you suddenly mentioning the bodyguard's good looks and mentioning it in a way that makes it seem as though you find him attractive?
"Are you seriously getting a crush on him?" Ceren asks me confused but also excited.
"E-EH!? N-NO!! You know that I have a crush on Felix!"
Felix is a good looking student at the taekwondo training that you have a crush on, he has brown eyes,freckles,blond hair.
"Oh yeah, right."
You can tell that your friend doesn't believe you, but you try to play it off anyway. You don't want your friend to think you find the bodyguard attractive.
"What did you mean when you said 'he is good looking too' then?"
Your friend raises an eyebrow at you in suspicion, now looking at you in a different way. You can tell he still doesn't believe your answer.
"I mean he is good looking! But not my type! You know that I have a crush on felix!!I HATE THAT BODYGUARD!"
"Right, sure, it's just you brought up the bodyguard's good looks completely unprompted."
Your friend looks at you suspiciously.
"You sure you're not secretly crushing on the bodyguard? After all, you brought up how attractive he is twice by yourself. Sounds like you're obsessed."
Your friend laughs at you, clearly teasing you.
You roll with your eyes annoyed
"I am not obsessed!! But now shush about hyunjin! Felix is coming to us!"
"Okay, okay, forget about Hyunjin. But you can't lie to me. I can tell you at least slightly find him attractive. After all, you brought up how good-looking he is."
Your friend chuckles as Felix approaches the two of you, and smiles at you both. He looks at you both with curiosity, as he overheard the end of your conversation.
"Is something wrong?"Felix asks.
"H-Hey felix!"
you say while you start blushing
Felix raises an eyebrow at you when you start blushing. He smiles at both you and your friend, and speaks with a warm and friendly tone.
"Hey, you two. How's it going?"
He looks at you again, noticing your blushing cheeks.
"Is something wrong? Are you alright?"
He sounds genuinely concerned for you. Felix is always so gentle and kind to you.
"Y-yes everything is alright!"
Felix is clearly doubtful about your words, as you still look flushed and embarrassed. He smiles softly at you.
"Are you sure? You don't have to hide anything from me, you know?"
Felix looks at you compassionately, and you feel yourself starting to relax. You've always trusted Felix, and the fact he's checking on you only makes you want to open up to him.
„Actually...Hey Felix do you want to go-„
You were just about to ask Felix out but you got disturbed by your master that came inside the room ready to start the training.
Felix's smile widens as he realizes you were about to ask him out. For some reason, he gets very happy at the thought that you were going to say that. Felix likes you too, but neither of you have admitted it yet. And now, you both get interrupted.
"Alright, everyone. Gather round to begin the training."
Your Master's voice echoes in the room, and everyone begins to gather around.
"We'll start with some warm-up exercises, and then move on to some practice drills."
He speaks confidently.
"Yes master!"
everyone got into their spot and started to do some warm ups.
You do your warm-ups alongside Felix. You feel comfortable around him, and his gentle and kind personality puts you at ease. You begin warming up, and you feel a strange sense of happiness just being near Felix. Maybe it's the fact you have a crush on him, you start to wonder if you should confess to him.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Felix asks, looking over at you with a smile. You notice that he keeps looking at your face, he's been staring at you for a while now.
"Yup! Are you?"
Felix chuckles.
"I guess I can't take my eyes off you, can I?"
He says this jokingly but, there's a hint of seriousness there that you notice. You wonder if Felix feels something for you too. You wonder if he's going to confess to you soon.
"I think I'm just admiring your beauty is all."
Felix says with a wink.
"You know, I think you look especially pretty today." He smiles as he speaks, and you're pretty sure he's flirting with you.
"Thank you felix!"
you say with a smile on your face
"I think you look good too!"
Felix chuckles.
"You really think so?"
He looks flattered by your compliment, as he can't help but smile when you say that.
"Thank you. You can be assured I'm also always admiring your beauty."
He winks at you again, and this time it sounds much more flirtatious.
"Tell me, do you have a boyfriend?"
This question is out of the blue, but you can't help but feel excited from it. Is Felix going to confess?
You start blushing and think about what to say after a couple of seconds of silence you shake your head
"No i don't have a boyfriend" You say confidently.
Felix looks delighted by your answer, as he was hoping to hear you say you don't have a boyfriend.
"How are you still single?"
Felix asks, his voice taking on an admiring tone. You can tell he can't help but have feelings for you, you just know he has a crush on you as well. He's trying to play it cool, but he's not really good at it. You both realize that the other person has feelings for you and it makes you both excited, but neither of you want to admit it. Yet.
"Felix I want to tell you something.."
You say but then the master screams at you guys for not paying any attention.
Felix turns to look at the Master, as does everyone else.
"Yes, Master?" Felix asks.
The Master speaks in a stern tone.
"Everyone, I noticed you were distracted with something while I was giving instructions. I hope it was important. What were you talking about?" There's a hint of annoyance in his voice, and he looks at you both. His face softens a little when he looks directly at you though, as he sees you blushing and realizes you were probably flirting with Felix.
"It's nothing master...I am sorry for disturbing"
You say.
The Master lets out a sigh of annoyance.
"Very well. Don't let it happen again. Now, let's begin the actual training. I know you all know the basics of taekwondo, so we'll be getting into some more advanced drills now."
He begins to demonstrate a drill, and the rest of the class follows along with him.
Felix looks back at you.
"I think he knew we were flirting."
He chuckles, seemingly not at all bothered by the fact that the Master might've heard it.
You chuckle too
"Let's talk later after class"
Felix nods in response, looking at you with a soft smile.
"Sure, I'd like that."
"This training won't take too long. About one hour or so. We'll still have plenty of time to talk and get to know each other. I'll see you when class is over." Felix says as he continues practising the drill. He keeps stealing glances at you from time to time.
The class finishes practicing the drill, and the Master dismisses them all. Everyone starts packing up their things to leave, and you see Felix coming towards you with his backpack. You smile while looking at felix coming towards you.
Felix stops in front of you. He's still smiling softly at you, and the two of you are now alone. There aren't any other students around to bother you both with their presence.
"You look awfully cute today, do you know that?" Felix whispers quietly, as though he was trying to be subtle about his words. But you have a feeling that everyone in this entire academy already knows that Felix has a huge crush on you. He doesn't even try to hide it, which makes you wonder if he's going to confess to you today.
„thank you felix.."
You say as you start to blush again. Felix smirks seeing that you blush at his compliment.
"I think I'm right about you not having a boyfriend. I bet I'm also right in thinking that you don't have your eyes set on anyone else, right?"
Felix makes a smug look at you, as though he was certain that he was right on both things he mentioned. The way he spoke and looked at you was as though he already assumed he was right.
"Right, or am I wrong?"
He spoke with a teasing tone.
"You are right...I would love to talk with you more but I really gotta go home..."
You started to remember that if you don't arrive home by time then you and Hyunjin will have a not so a nice talk.
Felix's face lights up when you confirm that you have no boyfriend and also don't have your eyes on someone else. He looks genuinely excited, as though he was hoping your answer was yes all along.
"Well, that's good to know."
Felix says, smiling warmly at you.
Felix takes a deep breath, as though he was gathering courage to say something.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asks nervously.
Felix takes a step closer to you.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
He looks into your eyes expectantly, as though he was hoping for a yes. You find yourself being surprised and flattered by his directness. He's not taking the scenic route to a confession, that's for sure. He asks as though he's hoping you say yes.
You think about it but then you remember about hyunjin. If he finds out then he will be mad but you are ready to risk it.
"Yes..I want you to be my boyfriend."
Felix's face lights up when you say "yes" and he looks incredibly happy. He wasn't expecting you to say yes so quickly, but now that you did, he's ready to be your boyfriend and make you happy.
Felix steps closer to you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"I'm going to treat you right, you know that?"
He speaks with confidence.
Felix is so excited that he can't help but kiss you gently on the lips, in a moment of passion.
You close your eyes and kiss him back.
Felix holds the kiss for a few seconds longer, before parting his lips from yours. He pulls away slightly and looks at your face, as though he was making sure you were comfortable with the kiss.
"So, it's official then. You're my girlfriend."
Felix whispers softly to you. You can see that he's extremely happy, the most happy you've ever seen him in a while.
"Come on, i will walk you home. I'll walk with you and hold your hand as we walk, if that's alright with you."
Felix asks, smiling softly. You smile happily you feel like all your problems are fading away.
Felix sees your happy expression and it makes him smile too. The two of you start to walk out of the academy and start to head back home.
Felix takes this opportunity to hold your hand, as he promised, and you feel a sense of warmth and comfort at his gentle and loving touch. You feel so happy, all your problems and worries seem to have disappeared now. You can't stop smiling, and it makes your heart flutter. After some minutes of walking you guys arrive next to your house door and it's time to say goodbye.
Felix stops walking, looking at you with a soft smile.
"Well, this is where we say goodbye for now."
He speaks softly, and you can feel a sense of sadness in your heart that the evening is coming to an end and you're going to have to part ways for now.
Felix leans in gently and kisses your cheek.
"I had a great time with you today and I hope we can see each other soon again."
He whispers into your ear as he kisses your cheek, and it makes you feel very special. It makes your heart skip a beat.
"I love you felix..."
"I love you too."
Felix whispers softly in response, his words making your heart melt. He smiles and strokes your cheek gently, and then whispers one more time.
"I'll see you again soon, my darling."
Felix says in a soft tone, as he continues stroking your cheek.
"For now, have a good night. Don't stay out too late, okay?"
Felix says, and you smile as you look back at him.
Felix gives you one last kiss on the cheek before he turns to walk away.
You walk into your house, with a big smile on your face. You're happy to have finally started dating Felix, the boy you've had a crush on since you first laid your eyes on him.
Yet, your happiness is shattered when you walk into the house, and you see Hyunjin in the room. You see his face and you know you're in big trouble. His voice sounds angry and strict.


|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now