|Dinner|Chpater 6|

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"Dinner is ready"
A Maid Said.
Hyunjin's serious look changes back to a more playful tone now.
Hyunjin then looks at you, seeing that you got distracted by the sudden interruption. He seems to be amused, since he can now make another move towards you, or even better, to kiss you.
"Looks like we got interrupted."
Hyunjin says to you, with a light chuckle, while also looking at you with a devilish smile.
"Looks like we'll save our moment for later then." He says with a smirk
You keep blushing and you nod
"We should go down stairs dinner is ready.."
Hyunjin sees that you're still blushing, which is amusing to him. But he also understands that you're right, and you both should probably go to eat now.
"Alright... But don't forget what I said before. I'll still expect another moment later, okay?"
Hyunjin says to you with a wink, before walking with you downstairs towards dinner.
You guys are sitting on the big dinner table, food in front of you but you can't start eating because you are still thinking about what just happened, you can't believe that you guys almost kissed...Can it be that you have fallen for your bodyguard..? But what about felix? You guys are in a relationship but still you almost cheated on him with Hyunjin...
Hyunjin sees that you're not touching your food yet... He understands that something happened between you two upstairs, and it must have been something important. He sees that you're staring at your cup now, as you're thinking deep in your thoughts and memories. Hyunjin doesn't want to interrupt you with this though, so instead he starts to eat his food as well.
Hyunjin also sees that both of you are still not looking at each other at the table, since you both had just came from an almost kiss.
"Where is my father?"
You ask the maid standing next to you. The maid speaks, now that both you and Hyunjin are at the table with her.
"Your father is currently sitting in his study, and he's not allowing anyone else in there at the moment."
the maid answers in a polite tone, clearly taking notice of the seriousness, and she also sees that both of you are in deep thoughts.
She also sees that your and Hyunjin's faces are a bit flushed and red, as if you two just had a moment alone together.
"Why won't he eat with us..?" You ask.
The maid speaks to you in a gentle and polite tone, after she also looks at Hyunjin, who also looks like he's still thinking about that moment earlier that he and you both just had.
"I believe he's still working on a few important things right now, which is why he asked me to bring dinner for him in his study, instead of all of us eating together."
The maid explains, while also staring at both you and Hyunjin still.
"Is everything alright though, my Lady?"
The maid also adds, as if she noticed something.
You nod.
"Yes! Everything is alright...I just haven't seen him in a long time"
The maid sees that you're still nodding to her now, and she has now completely taken notice of the two of you blushing earlier. She can tell that something might have happened earlier, but she keeps silent and doesn't say anything about it.
"I understand, my Lady. Would you like me to bring your father out then?"
The maid then asks you, this time in an even more concerned tone. She wants to make sure that everything's okay, and that there's nothing going on between you and Hyunjin.
"N-NO!" you say suddenly without any hesitation.
The maid sees you suddenly panicking and saying no, which now makes her realize that something definitely happened between you and Hyunjin while you were upstairs.
Hyunjin also sees this, and he's also a bit amused as he realizes that you said no just a bit too quickly.
The maid is still a little concerned about this, so she speaks again.
"Are you sure my Lady? Because it seems you're a bit nervous right now."
The maid says to you, looking at you more deeply.
"Y-YES! I am sure!!"
The maid seems to accept your answer even though she still sees that you're quite nervous, as she also notices that you and Hyunjin are still not looking at each other and both still blushing. This makes her realize that your answer of "yes" might have just been an impulsive answer, to avoid her asking any further questions or to have her bring your father downstairs.
"Alright my Lady.."
The maid says now, as she goes over to sit down at her own chair across the table from the two of you. You start eating fast to be able to go into your room as fast as possible.
Hyunjin sees you start eating faster now, as if you're trying to finish as soon as possible to go back to your room.
He sees that you maybe want some privacy right now.
"Hey you, wait for a second."
Hyunjin says now, trying to stop you from going back to your room just yet.
You say a bit panicking.
"Can I talk to you for a bit? There's something I need to mention to you."
Hyunjin asks you now, in a softer and gentler tone.
He sees that you're panicking. You're nervous, and you seem to also want to go back to your room as quickly as possible. He doesn't want to stop you from going, but he feels the need to talk to you for a bit first.
"It's not a good idea!"
After you say that you look at the maid.
The maid looks up from her own seat as well, and sees that both you and Hyunjin are looking at her now. The maid also looks a bit confused by your response now, and doesn't really know what's going on between you two right now.
"Is there something wrong my Lady?"
The maid asks you now in a concerned tone. She still has realized that something might have happened between you and Hyunjin earlier.
"N-No! Everything is alright! Thank you for the dinner Uhm see you tomorrow in the morning!"
You say panicking while standing up from your seat and walking to your room.
The maid sees you getting up quickly, and she realizes that it was clearly a lie. Something must have happened between you and Hyunjin earlier, otherwise you wouldn't act like that right now.
"Wait my Lady!"
The maid says, as she stands up from her seat as well, still confused. She tries to stop you by placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Can I just talk to you for a second, before you go?"
The maid asks you, as she still holds your shoulder with one hand.
"N-No! I am just really tired and it's better if I go to sleep now"
You answer fast trying to disappear from there as fast as possible. The maid sees that you're still refusing to talk, even though you're clearly lying. She realizes that you don't want to talk to her, and she doesn't know why. She still wants to tell you something, and maybe she knows for a fact that something did happen between you and Hyunjin.
The same time, Hyunjin also sees you refusing to talk to the maid.
Hyunjin speaks now, as he steps in between you both. He sees that the maid wants to say something, yet you won't listen.
You look confused at hyunjin.
"I think the maid has something to tell you."
Hyunjin says to you, while looking at the maid.
He sees that the maid seems to be looking at you with a worried expression, and he thinks she has something to tell you.
The maid then speaks, looking at you again carefully now.
"My Lady there might be a problem..."
The maid says, having your attention now. After looking at hyunjin you look confused at the maid.
"What do you mean?"
Hyunjin sees that the maid has got your attention by saying something like that, and he also looks over at her with a little smile. Maybe the maid does know that something happened earlier today.
"My Lady, I noticed that you and Hyunjin were alone upstairs for quite a long time now."
The maid says now, in a concerned tone, looking at you carefully.
"Uhm well that's obvious! My Father hired him to be by my side 24/7 and to take care of me!" You try to keep your cool to not expose yourself.
The maid sees that you're still lying, and that you're still a bit nervous and scared as well. It's obvious to her now that something has happened between you two earlier, but she still chooses to not be upfront.
"I understand that.. but you were alone upstairs with Hyunjin for a long time now."
The Maid says again, still looking at you carefully.
"You seemed to be blushing when I found the two of you earlier too, is there anything you're not telling me, my Lady?"
she adds now.
"It was just hot and thats why I was blushing! Hyunjin was in my room because he was helping me with my homework!"
The maid seems to be having trouble believing you at this point, especially since she sees that you might not be saying the truth at all right now.
"Alright.. I understand that my Lady.."
The maid says, after a few moments of silence.
She then takes a look at Hyunjin, still having her doubts, but she doesn't want to keep interrogating you. She sees Hyunjin looking at you with a light smile, as he wants to see if you will confess to her or not at this point.
"If that's everything I would love to go to sleep now"
The maid notices that you're still not confessing anything, so she decides to drop it. She thinks it would be best not to push you into it because you might be even more scared, as you still haven't confessed what happened. She gives you a small smile of approval as she lets you go to your room.
Hyunjin sees the small smile from the maid, and he also seems satisfied with it because you're still being silent about what happened.
"Alright then my Lady, go to sleep now."
The maid says to you now.
You nod as you walk upstairs to your room leaving hyunjin and the maid alone.
"She sure ran away fast."
Hyunjin says now, looking at the maid and then seeing you walk upstairs towards your room.
"I guess she's probably really tired..."
Hyunjin adds, with a slight chuckle. He now realizes that you were clearly lying to the maid, but he's not surprised. He's also starting to see what kind of character you really are, and he's liking it so far...
You are in your room getting ready to sleep now.
Hyunjin also walks upstairs, but he goes to his own room and not your room. He's still thinking about what just happened earlier between you and him, and what it meant for your relationship with your boyfriend Felix as well. He starts to wonder what he will do, as he's also starting to feel a bit guilty in a way. But his feelings for you are too strong, and he can't stop himself.
Hyunjin now goes to his own room, as he's also thinking about making another move later tonight as well. And he might not be able to control himself anymore...
You lay down on your bed, trying to fall asleep now. You notice how quiet it is now. It's only you and your own thoughts right now.
But you still can't stop thinking about what happened. Was it wrong? Should you have confessed to the maid? Should you also tell Felix about it? Would you really be cheating on him if you let yourself fall for Hyunjin? These questions start to fill you with guilt, but at the same time, you're starting to realize that you really want Hyunjin.
But you decide to choose your relationship over hyunjin, you choose to keep hyunjin in some distance, and besides if someone would find out about you and hyunjin both of you would be in big trouble. He is your bodyguard! And you decide to also treat him as one.
You tell yourself that this is the right decision, to treat Hyunjin just as your bodyguard and friend. You tell yourself that you should also keep Hyunjin at a distance, but you start to wonder if you're really able to do that...
Hyunjin's face keeps coming back in your mind, the way he acted around you earlier today... You can't stop thinking about his handsome and charming face and that cute smile... You start to question yourself if you really are able to keep him just as your bodyguard, and not as something else...
After a few minutes, you finally fall asleep on your bed in your room.
You fall asleep in your own thoughts, and as you sleep peacefully now, Hyunjin also seems to fall asleep in his room right beside yours...
Hours later, you wake up as the morning light is now shining in your room. You sit back up on your bed as you slowly start to wake up now.
You walk over to your desk now, and you start doing your skincare and makeup routine. Your skin feels fresh, and as you look into the mirror, you feel a bit more confident now with your make-up.
As you do your morning routine, and look into your mirror, you can't help but start to see Hyunjin's face in your head again... You start to wonder again if what happened earlier was right or wrong...
Hyunjin's face just won't leave your mind.
You try to ignore the thoughts again, and this time you start to pack your school bag. You start to put in all your school supplies inside your school bag, as it's almost time to go to school now.
But Hyunjin's face still keeps coming back in your thoughts.
You just can't stop thinking about him now. You can't stop thinking about how he smiled at you earlier, and how cute he was when he looked at you..
You keep imagining him right now...
You go downstairs now after finishing packing your school bag and getting ready. You now put on your shoes, and you start to walk towards the door to leave the house.
But before you leave, you take one last look at the living room, and you see Hyunjin sitting on the sofa, wearing his uniform as your bodyguard. His face seems to catch your attention again.
You start to wonder again and question your thoughts.
„I am leaving for school"
"Alright my Lady, I will see you later."
Hyunjin says to you with his usual gentle tone, as you're now about to leave the house and go to school.
He sees that you start to leave now, and he also stands up from the sofa to follow you with his eyes. He watches you leave the room and as you start to walk towards the front door of the house.
He sees you leave the house and walk out of the front door now.
"Bye my Lady!"
he adds, seeing you walk outside the house. You start to close the front door, as he watches you from the inside.
You sigh and slowly walk to school, you arrive there 10 minutes later and see Felix and ceren waiting for you.
You see that Felix looks quite happy to see you, and Ceren is smiling as well.
"You're here now! We already missed you, let's go inside quickly"
Felix says to you now with his usual charming and funny way, as he has a bright smile on his face again and wants to talk to you.
"You're quite late today.."
Ceren adds now as well, with a small laugh.
„yeah sorry!"you say with a smile.
Felix smiles back at you now, after hearing you reply back with a small smile.
"Come on then, let's get to class!"
he says you now, as he walks into the school with Ceren.
You also walk into the school, following Felix and Ceren. The first bell of the day has already rung, so you better hurry up to make it in time for your first class.


|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now