|„Look at my eyes"|Chapter 5|

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You stay in your room for hours, still trying to recover mentally after what happened earlier, until you finally feel that you've calmed enough.
The sun is slowly starting to go down now, and you get a sense that it's gonna get dark soon.
Hyunjin is still in his room too, probably thinking about what happened as well.
You wait some more in your room while the sunlight starts to fade away, and there's only a little left in the room. Hyunjin is still in his own room, probably trying to forget the earlier events with you.
Suddenly, you hear a small knock on the door of your room. When you look up, you see Hyunjin's face peeking through the small crack of the door.

"Open the door, I wanna talk."
Hyunjin's voice sounds slightly different this time, with more urgency and seriousness to it.
You stand up from your bed and slowly walk towards the door and open it.
Hyunjin pushes the door open fully and enters your room, walking up to you.

"I want to talk. Sit down over here."
Hyunjin says, and he points to your bed, making a motion for you to go over there.
Hyunjin seems a bit more serious again, as though he has something important to discuss.
You sit down on your bed waiting for him to start talking.
Hyunjin sits down on the bed beside you as he speaks. You see him take a deep breath before he starts speaking.
"So I guess you already know that I said that I won't show you mercy ever again if you step out of line again, right?"
Hyunjin says, now making eye contact with you.
"But I have to ask you something."
Hyunjin's voice sounds firm and serious again, and he doesn't seem to be joking at all.
"Were you being serious when you begged for forgiveness earlier?"
You look at him still sad but also scared so you sit down a bit further away from him. You nod.
Hyunjin notices that you seem a bit scared now when you sit down further from him. He then sees you nod, which seems to answer the question that he asked you.
"I see, so you're being serious about apologizing this time then?"
Hyunjin asks you. You can see a bit of a hint of compassion in his voice this time.
Hyunjin then sits down a bit closer to you, making you look at his face.
"So, you're really going to live up to your word then? No more disrespect?"

You sit down a bit further from him again and nod. Hyunjin notices you're still a bit scared and reluctant to approach him, even though he seems to be giving you another chance to speak to him. He decides to ask you something else now.
"I just want you to be completely honest with me now, okay?"
Hyunjin says.
"Is there still something else on your mind? Anything you haven't told me yet?"
Hyunjin's voice sounds a bit soft and gentle now as he asks, but he still expects an honest answer from you. You look at your hands and you don't say anything. After a couple of minutes of silence you shake your head.
Hyunjin sees that you haven't answered right away, but he also noticed your nervous body language when you shook your head. He speaks to you in a slightly softer tone again.

"Is there something you're nervous to tell me?" Hyunjin asks you, but the way he asks shows he really wants to know the answer, whatever it may be.
"You can't keep anything hidden from me anymore. Do you really not have anything to tell me?"
You are still looking on your shaking hands not answering.
Hyunjin sees you still looking on your hands and not responding. There appears to be something wrong, but he doesn't know what it is. He needs to know, and will keep trying to find it.
"I won't hurt you if you tell me what you're keeping to yourself right now. You can trust me. I'm willing to show you kindness and mercy."
Hyunjin's words seem genuine, and he seems like he's trying to convey that you can trust him.
"Just tell me, please." Hyunjin asks you.
„How can I trust someone that literally hurt me a couple of hours ago..." You say still looking at your hands and not him.
Hyunjin sees your reluctance to trust him now as you ask a rhetorical question, but he's not gonna let your answer stop him.

"I know I hurt you, but you need to understand that my job requires me to sometimes be strict with you. As much as it hurts me to do so, I have to keep you disciplined and in check sometimes. Do you understand that?"
Hyunjin speaks in a stern manner, but he's also trying to reassure you.
"What do you say you give me a second chance to prove that you can trust me?"
You think about what he said, after a couple of seconds of silence you nod but still keeping your distance from him.
"Good. Now come closer to me. I won't hurt you this time."
Hyunjin says as he motions for you to come closer to him. You have no choice but to obey him now.
Hyunjin looks at you again, the seriousness slightly disappearing from his face. It seems he's trying to get your trust back.
"Just trust me this one time, okay?"
Hyunjin asks you, sounding a bit reassuring again.
You slowly nod but still not coming any closer to him.
Hyunjin sees that you're still hesitant to approach him, so he speaks up again, sounding a bit serious and firm again.
"Now come closer, or I'll have to force you."
Hyunjin is giving you a little warning, showing that he's serious about what he says, but he also needs to hear what you have to say as well. So he's willing to give you a second chance to come closer, but don't expect him to be forgiving if you keep hesitating.
You get closer to him because you are scared that if you don't that he will punish you again.

|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now