|Cheat|Chapter 9|

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Weeks have passed and you and hyunjin still keep your distance, Today he picked you up from school again and you guys are in the car on your way home.
There's no denying that you both are keeping a distance from each other these weeks, as you both haven't talked much with each other or been close to each other since you made the decision to keep it strictly to a business relationship.
You're still on the car together though, and you're heading back home together. Hyunjin is driving the car, and he can't help but wonder about how you're feeling right now. You seem to be a bit more cold towards him again, as you just look outside the windows and don't really talk with Hyunjin while you're in the car together.
"And how is it going with Anna?" You ask him cold watching the streets from your window.
Hyunjin looks at you again when you suddenly ask him that question.. He feels a bit confused now, as he hasn't talked much with you for the past few weeks. He didn't expect you to ask about his life with Anna.. And he doesn't know if you're asking out of pure curiosity, or if you're actually jealous of Anna now..
"Well, actually.. I talk with Anna a lot more now, since we've become friends. It's going fine.."
Hyunjin says to you.
"Friends? Why only friends" You sigh annoyed.
Hyunjin now starts to think.. Why are you suddenly asking if we're something more then just friends.. You've never even mentioned it before.. Maybe it's because you're jealous of Anna now..?
"My Lady, what do you mean..?"
Hyunjin says, as he looks a bit confused, and a bit suspicious.
"Why would there be more then just friends between me and Anna..?"
"I mean it's obvious that she likes you"
You roll with your eyes.
Hyunjin looks over at you again when you say this, and he notices your suspicious look. You actually are jealous of Anna..
"My Lady.. Is that why you asked if we're just friends or not..?"
Hyunjin asks you now.
"You're jealous of Anna.. Right..?"
"Are you jealous of Felix?"
Hyunjin looks quite surprised when you mention Felix now.. You're comparing him with Felix, your boyfriend.. And Felix has also been in the picture for quite a lot recently.
"My Lady.. Why would I be jealous of Felix..?" Hyunjin asks you, as he seems to not really like your boyfriend that much.. He's actually still trying to keep it a secret from you, that he doesn't really get along much with Felix..
"Then why should I be jealous of Anna?"
Hyunjin sees the point you're making.. He knows that you're not really jealous of Anna now, you're actually just trying to keep a cool demeanour towards Hyunjin and the whole situation overall. You're just pretending to be "fine" with everything..
"My Lady, you're just making a point.. But you probably know that we actually have some emotions between us.. And you also probably know that I still have some feelings for you. So you're most likely jealous of Anna now, since you're probably seeing me talking more with her now.. Right..?"
You sigh and ignore his answer. You really don't have the nerve to argue right now.
"My Lady, I want to talk about our almost-kiss from that day.."
Hyunjin says now, in a serious tone.. You notice that he doesn't want to just "ignore" it or talk like it never happened. But instead, he seems to want to have another talk about it.. To figure out what it actually means, and to explain how he feels about this..
"We never really talked about that.. But that almost-kiss from that day was not just nothing to you, right..?"
"Hyunjin. Stop." you say in a serious tone.
Hyunjin looks at you with a bit of confusion now, as you say that to him. He isn't sure why you're not allowing him to talk about it. Maybe you want him to stop because you don't want to remember it. Maybe you're still embarrassed by it right now..
"My Lady.. What happened was not nothing to me either.. Can we please actually talk about it, and not just ignore it like it never happened?"
"Hyunjin You Are my bodyguard. Stop talking about that almost kiss" You try to make him stop talking about it because you just don't want to...You want to forget about it...
Hyunjin doesn't understand why you're so adamant right now.. You're basically just asking him to stop talking about that almost kiss between the two of you.. You don't even want to talk about it at all, as you seem to want to move on from that already..
You don't want him to bring it up anymore.. You want it to simply disappear.. But you can't ignore the fact that this almost-kiss between you two actually happened.. And it had a huge impact on Hyunjin.. You guys arrived home so you get out of the car and go to your house.
Hyunjin waits for you to get out of the car together, before he gets out as well. You both get inside your house, after another awkward conversation together.. There is a certain tension between you two right now.. Both of you try to stay serious and keep the distance between you, when you're already inside your house now..
Hyunjin notices your father approaching the two of you.. When he gets closer to you, Hyunjin takes some steps back, and he actually lets you and your father be together for now.
"Hyunjin. How is Y/N's behaviour? Did it changed since I hired you?"
Your father asks Hyunjin.
Hyunjin then looks at your father now.. He can't believe what he's even asking about right now.. He thinks your father wants to be sure that he's still doing a good job as your bodyguard.
"My Lord.. Y/N's behaviour has been a bit different since I first started working as her bodyguard.. But I assume she needs some time to get used to all of this.. That is normal, as I also still need some time to get to know her more.."
Your Father nods
"Good please take care of her more now for a week since I will be gone for a business trip."
Hyunjin nods gently in response to your father's request to take extra care of you for a week, while he's away.. He will do everything in his power to look out for your wellbeing and safety, regardless of the complicated relationship between you two right now..
Your father then leaves the two of you together.. And Hyunjin looks at you again, feeling quite awkward now, as he's not sure how it will be between you two now..The two of you look at each other now.. Hyunjin feels quite a bit of tension between you again, as there's a certain seriousness in your eyes, and a bit of awkwardness in the air. The distance is definitely back between you again..
Hyunjin keeps his eyes locked with yours, not sure what else to do.. He wants to say something, but he's not sure what.
"My Lady.. It's going to be another week together, I suppose..?"
He then adds, looking at you.
"Yeah i suppose."
Hyunjin looks at you for a while now, trying to think of something to say.. He feels the tension between you two getting stronger again, and the silence between you feels awkward.. He still feels quite a bit disappointed that you don't want to talk much to him now.
"Can I say something to you my Lady..?" Hyunjin then asks you.
"My Lady.. Do we.. Have to keep this distance between us again for one more week now..?" Hyunjin then asks, in a bit of an unsure tone.
He feels like you're again wanting to keep a distance between you two.. And he can't tell if you're doing this because of your own feelings and desires, or because you want to protect your relationship with your boyfriend, Felix..
After you said that you suddenly get a message from ceren. The message is saying that she will come over right now and that she needs to tell you something.
Hyunjin notices how you suddenly get a message from Ceren.. It's from Ceren, so it must be something important and urgent.. And you seem to be a bit nervous when you see her message..
So Hyunjin decides not to interfere and not to ask any questions right now. He lets you handle it, but he keeps looking at you when you read the message from Ceren.
"Let's talk later alright hyunjin? My friend, ceren, seems to tell me something Important she will be here in any minute"
Hyunjin sees how you're suddenly getting a bit nervous, as you say that your friend, Ceren, will come here in a minute, as she has something "important" to tell to you..
"Alright my Lady.. I will keep quiet for now, so please do what you have to do with Ceren.."
Hyunjin says to you now.
He keeps watching you for a bit, and he lets you handle this situation with Ceren then..
After a couple of minutes Ceren comes inside your house,She looks quite nervous, and she has an expression on her face like she's worried about something.
"Hey Y/N.. I have something important to tell you.. Can we talk for a bit..?"
Ceren asks you immediately, as she approaches you now.
"Yeah sure let's go to my room" You are worried...what can be so important that she needs to talk with you right now..?
"Alright then.. Let's go to your room then.. I have something important to tell you.."
Ceren then says, before she starts to walk away with you.
You both get inside your room.. And Ceren closes the door behind you, and she looks quite nervous as she sits down with you.
"So.. I have something really big to tell you now.. But I want you to promise me that you won't get angry first.. Can you promise me this..?"
"I promise I won't"
Ceren takes a deep breath before she keeps talking.
"Uhm so basically...Felix is cheating on you.."
ceren says slowly...After you hear those words you feel like your world is falling apart...You can't believe your ears right now.. Felix had been acting weird recently, and you had had your suspicions about him for a while now. Ceren saying that to you just proves your suspicions right.. Felix has actually been cheating on you.. And you never even knew.. Ceren knows it all...
You're shocked by this, and you feel upset and angry at the same time now. Felix had been cheating on you, and he didn't even tell you anything about it....
you say sad and disappointed. You feel broken. Completely empty...but what can you say?
Ceren looks at your face, and she notices an expression of sadness on your face, and of disappointment. She looks at your face, before she moves closer to you, as her face is also a bit sad.
"Y/N, I'm sorry that I had to tell you this.. I was worried that if I didn't tell you about this now, that you would've discovered it in a different, not-so-good way.. And I didn't want you to get hurt even more.."
She takes your hand then.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you.."
You smile at ceren...You can feel her kindness...and it makes you feel a bi better...
Ceren then looks at you, and she sees you smile a bit. She feels a bit relieved to see that you're not too upset right now, but you're still feeling quite sad.. And Ceren can imagine the reason why you're sad.. It must've hurt you a lot to hear that the person you love had been cheating on you..
You hug each other tightly...it feels good...
She was expecting you to be really upset by this, and maybe to even get mad at her for telling you about this.. She's still sad for you, but she's glad that you didn't react in a negative way towards her..
"You deserve more than Felix.."
Ceren then says to you.
"He didn't deserve to be with someone as nice as you.. And I'm sure you'll find someone who's going to treat you well in the future.. Someone much better and more trustworthy.."
"You Are right..."
Now you remember about hyunjin..maybe you could try it out with hyunjin..?
Ceren then looks at you and notices that you've suddenly kept a serious look on your face. She thinks that you were really thinking about Hyunjin, like she was guessing.. And Ceren knows that it would be really interesting if you were to try to pursue a relationship with Hyunjin..
"Are you sure you're okay..?"
Ceren then asks you.
"You can always talk to me, you know that Y/N.."
"Thank you ceren...but you better go home now...I want to be alone right now..."
Ceren understands your wish, and she immediately stands up, to then leave your room.
You're alone again with your thoughts now.. And you just remembered about Hyunjin and your relationship with him.. And you suddenly start thinking about how much you can trust Hyunjin.. He has never been dishonest to you before, and you could try to pursue a closer relationship with him..
You're thinking about all of this now.. And you're wondering if you should try to start something more with Hyunjin now..
it's getting late and you are going to sleep. Still heartbroken not understanding anything... Finally, you're going to sleep. You feel quite broken and sad by the events that happened today, as you've just realized how Felix has cheated on you, and how you never knew until Ceren told you.. You still can't believe that Felix could've done this to you.. You were his girlfriend, and he still decided to do something like this.. You were the one who always loved him unconditionally.. But it seems like he didn't treat you in the right way..
You're sad.. And you are wondering what will happen next.. And you're also wondering about the future..You slowly start to fall asleep now.. The pain and sadness from the events that happened today still remains inside you, but you're feeling quite tired right now, and you just want to forget about Felix and everything that has happened between you two.. So you decide to just try to sleep for now..
Soon, you fall asleep.. Your eyes close, and you're thinking about nothing but sleep now.. You finally relax.


|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now