|Distance|Chapter 8|

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"When will we arrive home?" you say annoyed.
"We're actually almost there my Lady, in around 3 minutes or so.."
Hyunjin explains to you now, as you're still annoyed and upset at what happened earlier with Anna.
Hyunjin's phone then suddenly starts to ring now, and he sees that it's the girl Anna. He was actually just going to ignore it, but he sees that she's already calling him for the third time..
"Pick up if you want."
You say still looking at the streets and not paying attention to hyunjin.
Hyunjin looks at you and then at his phone.. The look of your face says that you clearly don't want him to pick up and answer.. But he still decides to answer her calls now, as she keeps calling him.. He picks up his phone now, as he starts to talk to her.
"Hello Anna"
he adds now, in a soft tone..
You keep looking at the streets hoping that you guys will arrive soon and that you don't have to look at hyunjins face anymore.
Hyunjin is still talking to Anna for a while now, and he has actually managed to calm her down a bit. He's quite skillful when it comes to talking to girls like this.. He's talking quite softly to her now, and Anna is actually starting to feel more comfortable with him..
Hyunjin then ends his call with Anna, and finally puts his phone aside. He takes a deep breath and then looks at you now.
"Sorry about that my Lady. But she just kept calling me you see, so I had to pick up."
he adds to you now.
You say cold when you see that you guys arrived to your mansion.
Hyunjin smiles gently at you when he sees that you're still being cold and distant towards him, and he understands why..
"We're at your house now my Lady"
he adds to you now, still keeping his gentle, polite and respectful tone. He continues to keep his distance from you like usual..
Hyunjin then stops the car and looks at you now. He opens his car door and starts to get out, as does you..
Hyunjin follows you as you start to walk towards the front door quickly now, without looking at him anymore.. He understands that you don't want to talk to him anymore or anything of that sort.
Both of you quickly arrive to the front door now, as you both stop in front of it. Hyunjin reaches for the door handle and opens it for you, so you can enter the house first now..
You just enter the house without even saying thank you to him for opening the door, you take your shoes off and go upstairs to your room.
Hyunjin smiles gently at you when you just enter the house without saying anything to him for opening the door for you, and he doesn't bother you further either. He understands that you don't want to talk to him or show him any kind of gratitude when you don't have to..
Hyunjin takes his shoes off as well, but he stays downstairs in the living room for now, as he still has to wait for you to call him for anything. You shut the door behind you still not understanding why he gave that stupid girl his phone number.
Hyunjin also hears the door shutting behind you, and he realizes that you're still mad about him giving Anna his phone number earlier.. He was actually expecting you to call him up for some reason, thinking that you wanted to talk about this or something of that form.. But that doesn't happen, which means you still want your distance from him.
You stay in your room for a while now, and Hyunjin doesn't hear anything from you.
why did he gave that girl his number!? What about the moment when you guys almost kissed yesterday!?...
Hyunjin also thinks about that moment when he almost kissed you yesterday, when he suddenly grabs his phone to check on if there's any text messages from you or something.. But there aren't any messages or calls. You're still staying in your room and haven't called him up for anything yet.
Hyunjin then starts to do the usual bodyguard duties, like checking the area around the house. He walks outside of the house for a bit, while still thinking about what happened between you both yesterday. You keep thinking about that moment but it seems like it didn't meant anything to him since he gave his number to a random girl.
Hyunjin thinks about the moment between you too, as well. But he has to keep in mind not to cross the line, cause you still have a boyfriend. But despite that fact, he actually really likes you.. But he has to keep his feelings in check and doesn't let his guard down, since he's just your bodyguard only.
Hyunjin comes back into the house again now, and he goes inside the kitchen and starts to drink some water.. He knows he won't be getting any more calls tonight from you.. He wonders if you will even call him up in the morning..it's Dinner time and the maid calls you to come down for dinner.
Hyunjin thinks about all the things that happened today, how he gave his number to a girl who had a bit of a crush on him.. And then you, his Lady, were really jealous and mad at him when he gave her his number. And what made everything even worse is the fact that you two almost kissed yesterday. But you are not calling him up anymore..
Then the maid suddenly knocks on the door, as you two were in both in the house quiet..
"My Lady, dinner is currently being served.. Can you come downstairs please?"
The maid asks you now..
"I am not hungry..."
"My Lady, you need to eat something. Or at least just have some fruit or something.. "
the maid says to you now, as she seems to be quite worried about your health and such as usually..
You sigh and open the door to go downstairs.
Your maid immediately takes you by your hand and walks off with you to the dinner table, as you're going to get your dinner now.
She's actually quite worried about you and your eating habits, as she has heard that you haven't been eating much for the past few weeks now. You sit down on the dinner table.
Your maid then serves you with some soup and bread, as she expects you to at least eat something..
Hyunjin also comes in to dinner, and takes his seat. He's just waiting for you to eat something, to make sure you're well. He's like your caretaker as well as your bodyguard.. So your well beeing is his priority..
You slowly start eating but you're not feeling it.
Hyunjin sees that you're eating slowly, and he knows the reason why. You're not really feeling well. And this isn't the first time this has happened in the past few weeks..
"My Lady, are you feeling okay?.."
Hyunjin asks you now, in his usual polite and kind tone.
You slowly nod still not looking at anyone.
"My Lady, I have noticed that you seem to not eat like you used to. Is something going on..?"
Hyunjin asks you, with a slightly concerned look on his face now. He has actually noticed that you've lost some weight, and you also seem to be eating a lot less then before..
He is your caretaker, so he still wants to make sure you're alright. He looks at you now, hoping to get an answer from you...
"Everything is alright...I will better Go to bed now..." You say trying to avoid any other conversation..
Hyunjin has realized that something is indeed going on with you. There is definitely something off, but you keep saying everything is alright.. He knows you're probably lying though. But he doesn't want to press you with it, so he says this to you now.. „ Alright.. But before you go to bed now, can you please tell me if there is anything I can do for you? Or do you need anything before you go to bed now?" Hyunjin asks you now in his normal, soft and gentle tone.
You shake your head
"no...I am fine.."
Hyunjin nods gently when you say this, and he understands your situation to a certain degree. He knows that something is going on, that you're not really fine but you don't want to tell him.. He also knows he can't press you with it, so he says this now to you..
Hyunjin gives you a kind smile, as he says:"Alright then my Lady. You can go upstairs to your room now, and get some good rest. I will be standing outside of your room tonight, as per usual.."

|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now