|Finally|Chapter 16|

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Hyunjin can feel the heat of your face now.. He sees how close your lips are.. He wants it now.. He can't help it.. He really wants to kiss you.. It just feels right to do it now.. And.. He feels how his lips are almost touching yours.. He's just about to touch you..
He slowly moves his lips closer.. And.. He finally does.. He finally touches your lips.. His lips lightly touch yours.. He kisses you.. He kisses you softly.. He finally lets all of his desires out.You look at Hyunjin...he just kissed you...your own bodyguard kissed you softly...You start to blush
Hyunjin sees your face turn red.. You're turning red, which means that you're embarrassed.. But.. You're blushing now.. And he knows that you're blushing because he kissed you.. And.. He can't believe it either.. He can't believe that he kissed you. His feelings finally got the best of him.. He finally let his own desires take over.. He couldn't resist his own desires this time..
He looks into your eyes.. He still sees the blush there.. And he feels a warm feeling in his chest.. He feels happy right now.. He's really happy..
After a couple of minutes of silence He sees how you're now caressing his cheek.. He sees how you move your finger softly on the side of his face.. He feels how your finger slides down on his cheek.. And this.. This makes his heart pound even faster. He feels how his face is getting warmer and warmer.. And.. He feels your soft touch.
Hyunjin looks down at your hand... And.. He gently takes it.. He brings it closer to his face.. And he lightly kisses your hand.. He then looks back at you again.. He smiles softly. You feel butterflies in your stomach...You feel warm comfort..you smile back...Happily...you lean in closer to Hyunjin again...you want to kiss him again...
Hyunjin notices how you're leaning closer to him.. You're getting close again.. You want to kiss him again.. His heart pounds faster when he sees that you want this.. Now that your lips already touched each other, it's only natural for you to want this again.. But.. He doesn't want to stop you.. On the contrary.. He wants this too.. He starts leaning his face towards yours.
He leans a bit closer.. And.. He touches your lips again.. This is the second kiss.. And.. It feels even more special than the first time..
Hyunjin sees how this kiss becomes deeper.. He feels how your tongue now touches his.. And.. He plays with it as well.. Their tongues are now touching.. And.. The kiss just feels.. Better.. It feels more intimate.. And.. It feels more passionate now..
He keeps kissing you.. The kiss goes on.. And.. Their bodies just fit perfectly against each other.. The kiss feels.. Like pure happiness.. He feels happier than ever.. He feels more complete.. He can't believe that he's finally doing this.. That he finally gave in to his own desires..at this point you don't know where this is going to..Hyunjin breaks the kiss after a while... He pulls his mouth away from yours.. He is breathing heavily now.. And.. He tries to understand.. To understand what just happened.. He thinks about what just happened.. Because it was.. Amazing.. He felt some emotions that he couldn't even describe.. It was.. Unforgettable..
He looks at you.. He stares at you.. He looks at your face.. And your lips.. He sees how your lips are still a bit wet.. Because of the kiss.. And.. This makes his heart beat faster.. You smile at Hyunjin...You want to say something but you don't know what...
Hyunjin feels how you're just smiling at him.. And.. He sees how you don't know what else you could say.. He sees that.. But.. He also sees how you're feeling so many emotions right now.. Feelings of happiness.. And.. Desire.. And.. Excitement.. And.. He sees how he's feeling the same..
He stares at you.. He stares into your eyes.. He looks at your lips.. And.. He thinks of how they touched.. Of how he kissed you.. And.. How he wants to do it again.. And again..
Hyunjin sees how you call his name.. And.. He sees how you want to say something.. But.. Your voice is so soft.. Now.. Now you're really shy.. Again..
Hyunjin looks down at you.. And.. He nods.. He's listening to you.. He's waiting for you to say your next words.. He wants to hear them..
"I like you..."
Wait-did you really just confess your feelings to HYUNJIN!?!? You can feel your cheeks getting more red because of embarrassment.
Hyunjin stops for a bit.. He needs a moment to process your words.. You just confessed to him.. You just told him that you like him.. His heart is pounding faster.. He feels happy.. And now.. It looks like it's.. His turn to do something.. And.. He's ready to do it.. He's ready to confess his feelings back..
Hyunjin looks at you.. And.. He nods.
"I like you too.."
He whispers.
You stare at him in shock...He just confessed back...Hyunjin likes you too..
Hyunjin sees how you're staring at him.. Your eyes are really wide.. It looks like you're in shock.. Which is understandable.. Because.. You just confessed your feelings and he just confessed to you as well.. He likes you too.. So what now?.. You're both feeling the same things.. But you still need to figure out what you're going to do with all of this.. Are you both going to make something from this?.. There's a lot of things that you both need to talk about.. But.. First you need to settle down.
He waits for your next words.
"I-I don't know what to say..."
"Don't worry.. You're in shock right now. So, it's normal for you not to know.. I know.. I feel the same thing too.. I feel shocked as well.. Just.. Just take your time.. Okay?"
He replies to you gently.. With a soft tone.
you nod slowly.
Hyunjin sees how you're still shocked.. But.. He can't help but feel happy.. He feels really happy now.. Because.. Because you also have feelings for him.. Because you also like him.. Because.. You're going to start a relationship together.. And.. He's really excited about this.. He's excited about being with you..
Hyunjin looks at you and he still keeps smiling.. And.. He leans to you again.. He wants to kiss you again.. It just feels right.. It feels even more right now.. To kiss you.. To kiss you and to show you that he likes.
"Please just promise me one thing...."
You say suddenly with a more serious voice.
Hyunjin sees how you want to ask him for something.. He doesn't know what you're going to say, but.. He sees how you're ready to ask him for something.. And.. He nods.. He agrees without even knowing what you're going to say.
"Promise.. I will, My Lady.. And.. I'll do everything to make you happy.. I'll do everything to make this.. To make this right.. I promise that I'll take good care of you and.. I'll always be there for you.."
He whispers.
"If you die...I die."
You say seriously...You feel like you couldn't live without Hyunjin again. And you never want to leave his side...
He hears how you said something so serious.. And.. It hit him hard.. If he dies.. If he is taken from you.. You will die too.. You both.. You're going together.. It's just.. The way things will be for you both from now on.. And.. Now there's a responsibility that's on both of your shoulders.. It will always be there.. To keep each other safe.. Because.. Your lives are connected now..
And.. He knows that what you said.. It's true..and that you really mean it..
"Please promise me this..."
You say with almost tears in your eyes.
you're still looking at him.. And.. Your gaze is serious.. He understands that.. He knows that this is a very important promise.. He knows this is a big thing to say.. He knows you need this.. And.. He will say it.. Because.. Because this is a big responsibility.. But.. He is ready for it.. He is ready to take this responsibility.. To protect you.. To look out for you.. His life is now connected to yours.. And.. It is his responsibility..
"I promise.."
"Say it fully.."
"My death will be your death.. And your death will be mine.."
He whispers.. The promise is now said.. It is now.. Done.
You nod...You are glad that you guys made that promise...You don't want to lose Hyunjin...and you can't live without him...
You look at the clock...It's almost 4 pm...You lay down.
Hyunjin notices how you look at the clock.. And he sees how it's almost 4pm.. He understands why you're laying down now.. You're both still tired.. Both of you need some rest... Now there is a lot for the two of you to talk about.. But.. It can wait.. Right now.. Right now you're both just tired.. And.. He thinks it's not a good idea to talk about things while your mind is still in shock and you're so tired.
"Let's just forget about everything.. And.. Let's rest for a while.."
"Yeah that's for the best..."
you whisper.
"Lay down...next to me..."
"Lay down next to you... Okay.. It's what I want.. It's where I want to be.."
Hyunjin sees how you're telling him to lay down next to you.. And now.. He can't help but feel a wave of excitement.. Because... Because.. He gets to be right next to you now.. This is what he wanted.. This is where he wanted to be.. This is his destiny.. Next to His Lady.. For all of eternity..
He lays down next to you.
You smile and you rest your head on his chest...It feels warm...and soft.
Hyunjin feels your head on his chest.. He feels how your head rests on him.. And.. He feels how comfortable it is.. He feels how warm it is.. He feels how your body.. Your body is just the perfect fit.. He feels how you have just found your place.. Your place next to him.. He sees your hair on his chest.. And.. He sees how your warm and soft hair is just resting on him.. He looks at you with a soft smile.. And..
"You look so cute.. My Lady.. My darling.."
"M-M-My darling?"
You say shocked that he just called you "my darling"
"My darling.. You're my darling.. Because.. You are.. You are my everything.. You are my world.. And.. My heart beats just for you.. My life will be only for you.."
He whispers.. His eyes are staring at your lips.. And.. He can't resist them.. He can't resist the urge to just kiss them again.. So he leans closer.

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|SILENT PAIN| HYUNJIN X Y/N|𝘽𝙊𝘿𝙔𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now