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After a short time Ryan along with his family joined the valentines and the three Thompson family members, since it was the first time that Charlotte and Lottie had met them they got introduced to Sarah who is 10 years older than them and their three young children 9 years old Ryan jnr, 6 years old melody and 6 months old Caleb.

"Would you guys like to come in the pool to play?" Charlie asks the two kids with a soft smile before looking at their parents who smile and nod.

"Yes yes yes" melody cheers loudly while Ryan jnr shrugs

"Is it ok to bring cell in? I don't want to leave him out" she asks sheepishly making the parents laugh

"Oh don't worry I'll take him in soon" Sarah waves her off "I don't want to hassle you"

"Oh believe me you aren't hassling her, she loves babies" Lacey laughs

"No babies" Ryder growls making Lisa slap him jokingly

"Then sure if you don't mind, I just changed him in the car so he has the diaper that's used for when swimming, so he is ready." Sarah says to Charlotte handing the baby over as she turns to her older kids "if you want to go into the pool you are going to have to change first" she said raising her eyebrow with a smile

"Oops I forgot" melody giggles taking her moms hand as Lisa shows them where to go with Ryan jnr following behind them.

"Let's go to the pool" Charlie coos to baby Caleb making him giggle. "You are so cute" Charlie squeaks making the others laugh quietly as they watch her.

"See I told you she loves babies, she has even forgot me" Lacey huffs jokingly before following behind with her brother in tow.

"Let's hope your son doesn't cause my daughter getting any ideas" Ryder grumbles making Mike and Ryan chuckle amused at the grumpy looking man as he goes back to the grill.

Mike turned back to the pool watching as his son and daughter splash each other childishly making him smile, he then turns to Charlotte as he hears the loud giggles of the baby. A wide smile on charlottes face giggling along with Caleb.

'My god she's beautiful' Mike thinks to himself, his heart flutters at the sight before him.

"I heard about what happened" Ryan says making Mike look at him

Mike sighs rubbing a hand over his face clearing his thoughts of the gorgeous Charlotte to his crazy wife "I can't believe that she pulled that shit, not only is it embarrassing but the shit she was saying was sick as fuck. Trying to make out that Lacey was after me and Mickey"he says shaking his head in disgust.

"She's fucking crazy" Ryan scoffs "she accused us of having an affair remember"

"Oh I remember that" Sarah states and she along with Lisa and Ryder take a seat beside them.

"I'm just sorry you've had to deal with all this lately Mike, but I'm warning you in advance I will be having a word with her for how she spoke about my daughter" Lisa states seriously "I'm telling you because I don't want to cause any trouble but after all the things Charlotte has had to deal with recently I won't allow any asshole talk about or to my daughter in that way especially not a woman who is as disgusting as she is."

"Calm down lisa" Ryder says sighing rubbing his wife's back as the others look at the, curiously

"Is Charlotte okay?" Sarah asks nervously.

They all look over to the pool seeing them all laughing while Caleb slings to Charlotte.

"She began a relationship with Jackson and they were together around 5 years I think" Ryder says looking at Lisa who nods in confirmation "we thought everything was great but then a couple of years ago he stopped coming to visit with the girls even though he is from here also..."

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