15 - Mike

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After what happened in the hallway I walked back to the table with Vivian clinging on to me. I clench my jaw annoyed but since I don't want to cause a scene or make her suspicious then I have to let her do whatever she wants to do like fucking always.

I try catching Lottie's eyes in hope to show her that I'm sorry so she doesn't think I jumped from her to Vivian, I know I don't need to since it's Vivian I'm cheating on not Lottie but it's very fucking obvious that she is trying to avoid that very thing.

Once everyone is finished we head back to the house and honestly after this shit show I'm glad, so I can take a moment to myself, as there is far too many things going on in my head at the moment.

Lottie is completely ignoring me but not too obvious for others to notice but she is clearly letting me know whatever happened is done.

Maybe that's for the best Mike?

What use is letting it continue when the longer it goes on the more someone will get hurt.


After we got back myself, Ryder and Ryan decided to have a few drinks together out back. It was a lovely evening out.

"Things seem to be going well with you and Vivian" Ryder smirks making Ryan snort.

Rolling my eyes at them "yeah everything is just fucking peachy" I say sarcastically before taking a big gulp of my whiskey.

It's silent for a moment before Ryder speaks "no jokes aside how are thing?"

I shrug staring out to the ocean "she wants to pretend nothing happened and expects me to fuck her after finding out all the men she has cheated on me" i scoff

"I don't know why you don't just end it, no one would blame you" Ryan states after a moment.

"She wouldn't let that happen so easy" Ryder mutters "do you want to end it?"

"I don't fucking know anymore, my head is up my eyes" I say as guilt suddenly hits me at the fact I'm sitting here talking to two of my best friends but I've fucked one of their daughters. Shaking my head trying to get rid of those thoughts "I don't see the point of us being together but I promised her and the kids I would try once more as long as she sorts her shit out but I don't think I want to hold that promise"

"I'm sorry man, you've been dealing with this shit for years and never once have you left. You're a good guy" Ryder says making me feel like shit.

You wouldn't think I was a good guy if you know what I done to your daughter

Or the fact that I want to keep doing it.

An hour later we all head to bed, opening the door quietly hoping Vivian is asleep but unfortunately she is sitting up with a book in her hand.

"You took your time" she mutters looking up at me.

"You could've went to sleep, I was spending time with the guys" I say heading into the bathroom groaning when I hear her footsteps following me.

"Michael why do you keep being cold with me? I want to make things better" she whines wrapping her arms around my now bare chest and it takes everything in me not to cringe away.

"Answer me this, have we sorted through everything?" I ask as she walks around to my front arms still attached to me.


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