22- Charlotte

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"Gosh today was amazing" Lacey laughs as we get off the boat

"Yeah it was, especially when you were laughing at us for falling in then ended up falling in behind us" i giggle amused.

"Shut up"

"Now now ladies, you were both terrible on them so neither of you won" Dad says with a smirk making us groan

"Leave them alone, you only won because you cheated" Mom laughs making us giggle at the pout in dads face.

"We have the chef coming in to cook for us all" mikey says before looking at his watch "they have been here for a while already so food should be done"

"Great let's get cleaned up then eat because I'm starved" Ryan groans making mikey chuckle.

"You're always hungry" he says making Ryan frown.

"Ok let's meet at the dining room in an hour then" Vivian says making everyone nod before going our separate ways.


I let out a sigh relaxing on my bed, today really was a fun day but I'm so tired now though my mind won't let me shut off there is so many things going through it.

This past week and a bit have been great, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves though there has been a little bump in the road here and there but other than that nothing big but unfortunately it is quickly coming closer to the time that my family along with Sarah and Ryan's are going home.

The Thompsons are staying fir a while longer though which if I'm being honest, I'm glad because as amazing and exciting it has been to spend the times I have with mikey I have been unable to push the guilt away any longer.

It's not only because of who we are but Mikey is still cheating and that makes it worse, Vivian has treated her family awful but him cheating with me doesn't exactly make him any better than her. I can tell he is thinking the same way as me because he has pulled away slightly, we haven't done anything sexual since that night he came to my room which was four days ago.

In a way I'm glad about that, hopefully with the end of us he and Vivian may be able to work things out and move past the mistakes they have both made in their relationship, I know that from what I've been told Vivian has done a lot but maybe if she tries Mike can forgive her.

I have also learnt my own lessons with all of this, I still don't agree with cheating and no matter who it is always stick to my own morals. Don't become something I normally wouldn't be just for the sake of a person, don't change myself for anyone.

If you meet someone and have feelings for them, but they are already with someone then they aren't for you or they could be but just not at that time, don't do to other women that I wouldn't want done to me.

At the end of the day what we done and how I behaved is completely wrong!

"I need to talk to Michael" I mutter to myself before picking up my cell from the bedside table, I send him a quick text asking him to meet me on the swing outside.

Taking the covers off my body climbing out of bed I pull a hoodie on then wrapping my cover around before making my way outside, once he finally texts back he asks if I can meet him at the cave.

Taking a deep breath I walk for 10 minutes before reaching, he is standing looking out at the water with a blank face but his eyes are a mixture of guilt and determination.
"Thank you for meeting me" I say nervously

"I'm glad you text, I was going to ask you to meet also"he murmurs turning to fully face me now, looking at me with a small smile before leading me into the cave by my hand "I'd rather no one see or interrupt us"

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