9 - Charlotte

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It's been a week since all the drama happened with the Thompson family, Lacey her brother and dad all slept over her for the night then they all headed back home. I haven't seen Lacey since as they found out that Vivian has been taking drugs...

I'm shocked but at the same time I'm not because the way she acted and things she was saying was unusual.

Anyway Lacey called the day after they went home saying that they were taking her mom to rehab, I really hope for all their sakes that she sticks at it. She obviously needs help since supposedly she's been acting this way for a few months.  Hopefully there family comes away from this stronger and better relationship.

Since I have absolutely nothing today I've been helping my dad with his company and my mom with her boutique and will keep doing so at least for the next couple weeks since the vacation has been put back for a a few weeks.

"Have a great day, Thank you for shopping at Lisa's Boutique" I tell the women as I hand her shopping bags over.

"Oh I definitely will be" she winks making me laugh and wave as she walks out.

"Sweetie" I hear mom call from the back


"Lacey has been trying to get in contact with you, she's on hold. I'll take over out here" she says walking to the front making me nod.

"Thank you" I tell her then rush to her office and sit at the desk "hello?"

"Hey girl, hope you're good. sorry to bother you I know you were working but I need a huge favour" she pleads making me laugh

"You're not bothering me, I was just busy the last couple hours so haven't checked my phone, but sure what's up?" I tell her honestly letting out a groan as I stretch my sore neck "sorry for the noice I think I pulled something in my neck"

"Oh no are you ok?" She asks sounding worried making me smile

"I'm fine promise are you okay though? What's the thing you want me to do? How is everything?" I can't help but fire question after question.

She lets out a loud laugh "woah girl calm down" she says with a chuckle calming down "I'm ok, just the same as the last week. Everything is so so but the doctor says it's going in the right direction. Ok can I ask you to go to my parents house please, my suitcase cases are mostly packed but could you please pack all the things we got from shopping last week and put the toiletries and the pill and con..."

"I got it" I groan "Jesus are you even sure that no one is listening it's sounds like you are out"

"Yeah I'm in a coffee shop" she says with a short "I was going to say contour. Anyway if you could finish that it would be a great help as my dad and Ryan have to go back for a meeting and they are going to collect our things so we can fly out from here once moms done."

"Sure you were. But yeah that's fine, just text if you need anything else. I will be finishing here in a few hours then I will go. I will leave them near the door and lock your room don't worry" I chuckle knowing even though I said it she will still text me to make sure her door is locked.

"Thank you so much Charlie, I don't know what I'd do without you." She says softly making me smile.

"No problem, we'll I better go but I'll call you later when I'm done. Remember text me, ok bye" I tell her

"Thanks bye"

Once I put the phone down I take a deep breath preparing myself for the busy afternoons.


Once the large steel gates open up for us we drive up the long drive way, it's just after seven so according to what Lacey said, Mike and Ryan won't be back yet so it most likely will be Mary and Tom who are husband and wife, Mary is their maid but used to be the nanny and Tom is the gardener they live on a small cottage at the back of the Thompsons property and have done since before I met Lacey.

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