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What the fuck am I going to do?

I don't even fucking know what I'm feeling I just know I've never felt this before, I just know a part of me didn't want to let her go and wanted to say 'fuck it' and make her mines but I couldn't do that.

"Thank goodness they all left" Vivian sighs making everyone look at her "what?" She shrugs

"That is very rude, they are all friends of this family Vivian" Mom states "friends who are a lovely bunch of people"

Vivian scoffs and they begin to bicker with Lacey getting involved by agreeing with my mom.

"You ok dad?" Mickey asks quietly

"Yes son why wouldn't I be?" I say with a chuckle

"Dad" he states giving me a look making me sigh

"Yes I'm fine bud" I promise him before turning to walk out but his next words stop me

"She fell in love with you"

"What?" My head snaps towards him

He gives me a sad look "nothing" he sighs then walks away.

Did he really say that?

No she can't love me, can she?


He probably just thinks so.

"I think we need to have a chat" Vincent says patting my back making me groan "let's go brother"

"So what happened with you and Charlie?" He asks once we take a seat at my desk

"What do you mean?" I ask pretending to be confused

He lets out a loud laugh "don't try that with me Mike, you know I won't fall for that shit"

Sighing I begin explaining everything that's happened since the moment I saw her at the airport adding everything that's going on with Vivian.

"Wow" he chuckles "when did your life become a movie? Though I can't say I blame you she is fucking stunning, I definitely would" he smirked

I clench my jaw and fist "don't talk about her like that" I growl out making him raise his eyebrows

"You actually have feeling for the girl"

"I don't fucking know" I groan "my head is more fucked now than it was before. Either way it doesn't matter it's done and nothing can happen"

"Mike you know I respect and like Ryder but you're my family, and I'll always have your back. You have lived through a good awful marriage taking Vivian's bullshit, you deserve to be happy too Mike and if people don't like it then tough shit they need to deal with it" he says making me smile.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it. But I can't do that to her, she can't be involved in all this shit. We both know Vivian isn't going to give me an easy divorce she is going to drag it for as long as she can"

"So you are serious about the divorce?" He asks

"Absolutely" nodding "im done, I can't do it anymore. The kids know and they agree with my decision the only person who doesn't is of course Vivian. It's not because she loves me though"

"No it's for money and you've gave her everything she wanted for years, she isn't going to want to let go of all that" he states "I can take care of it for you"

My eyes widen before letting out a loud laugh shaking my head "are you serious?" I ask him chuckling "no thanks Vincent I know what you taking care means. She is still the mother of my kids"

Unexpected (18+)Where stories live. Discover now