18- 3rd Person Pov

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Charlotte and Michael stay wrapped in each others arms as they come down from their high.

"Fuck" Michael says hoarsely as her words from a few minutes come back to him, he realises she was right, it was dangerous because you fuck if you have an affair not make love to the person you are cheating wife, especially not if you haven't done it with your wife of so many years.

"What?" Charlotte whispers as his arms tighten around her

Shaking his head "you were right, what we just did was dangerous" he sighs "don't for a minute think I regret it because it felt so fucking good and I've never felt anything like that before but doing that type of thing will make things harder to end things."

Charlotte moves back slightly giving him a sad smile but nodding "I agree, we can't do that again mikey" she whispers "but I want to thank you for giving me an experience I haven't felt before. Now give me a kiss before we get our clothes back on" she smirks hoping to lift the mood.

"My pleasure" he chuckles before giving her a soft kiss as their tongues dance slowly together before pecking a couple of times and pulls away. "Thank you Lottie" he whispers making her look at him confused which he just shakes his head. You get you're clothes on and head back I'm going to stay out for a while longer since we can't walk in together."

"Okay" Charlotte nods standing up pulling her clothes back on.

Michael follows suit before he picks up the cover giving it a shake trying to get the sand off it.


"Where have you been?" Vivian groans as she  wakes up when Michael climbs back into bed.

"Went for a swim as I couldn't sleep" he mutters laying on his back throwing an arm over his eyes feeling exhausted, hoping this is the first time she has woken up as he and Lottie spent a while together.

She moved closer trailing a couple of fingers over his chest "you should've woken me up I would've happily helped you get to sleep" she purrs moving her hand lower down to the top of his shorts "no matter we can do that now"

Michael clenches his jaw grabbing a hold of her wrist stopping her from going further "no thanks Vivian" he grunts going onto his side turning away from her

Vivian's jaw drops as he once again denies her "really Michael? How about I just suck your cock?"

"Vivian I said no for fuck sake. We had this talk only some hours ago. I said if you want things to get better then make an effort and own up to your shit until then their will be no fucking, sucking or kissing." Michael says sternly "now I'm going to sleep"

Vivian huffs glaring at his back "anyone would happily fuck me but you keep denying me, maybe I should find someone else to take the itch away" she smirks believing she will get his attention now.

"You can do that if you please" he groans shaking his head slightly "I'll even give you the divorce for you to be free if you want?"

Gasping Viv shakes her head quickly "no no don't do that, that's not what I want. I'm sorry I was just angry you keep denying me"

"Vivian, at this point I'm sick and tired of hearing your apologies because they mean nothing when you're doing nothing to change or make up for everything" he states closing his eyes "truthfully I'm fed up and I'm not going to be the only person fighting for our marriage anymore! I'm done it for two years Viv and I'm tired, we'll really I've done it our whole marriage but the last couple years got worse. The children  are grown now so I don't need hold on for them, they both know what's been going on so they won't blame me for divorcing you."

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