8 - Mike

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After the truth came out and I made clear where I stood, I went to talk with Mickey who was angry at first that I would give trying again but then once I explained he understood.

He's a good kid, and though he doesn't show it often but he has a soft heart especially when it comes to family and he is hurt with his mothers actions.

After our talk I went to my office to make the calls I needed, I found a place in New York which was recommended, making all the necessary arrangements it took three hours to get our things then pile into the car along with Ryan for a completely silent ride to the airport.

Here we are walking inside the place Vivian has been for the past six days, the first seventy two hours we weren't allowed to visit but the kids visited alone on the fourth day much to mickeys disappointment.

Today is the first day I am visiting, to be honest I was just to fucking angry once I thought about everything and needed to stray away until I knew I could keep my anger in check but I also knew I couldn't stay away too long because Vivian would use that as an excuse to leave.

Thankfully both the kids have had a talk and sorted things out, understanding each others feelings, one thing less to stress about.

"Vivian Thompson" I hear my daughter snap causing me to look up to see the receptionist eyeing me like I'm her next meal.

I chuckle under my breath shaking my head then narrow my eyes since she still hadn't answered Lacey.

Her face turn read which I'm assuming is due to her being embarrassed then stutters"o ok h h here are your passes" she quickly passes them all to Lacey before moving behind the wall so we don't see her.

"Stupid bitch" Lacey mumbles handing us the passes then leads u through a door coming to a step in front of an elevator "did you cancel our vacation?"

"No, we can still go, we just need to delay it for a few weeks" I tell her "I need to go back home tomorrow for an important meeting so I will bring our thing with me, probably best to tell the valentines to go alone then we can go after"

"Aww" Lacey pouts making me and Mickey laugh

"I'm sure you can do without Charlie for a month or so" Mickey smirks making her pout more.

The elevator doors open up to a long corridor, I follow the kids down to the last door which they tell me is the visiting area.

I let out a deep breath as we wait for it to open making them look at me curiously "you sure you will be ok going in?" Lacey asks making me nod.

Before anyone can say anything else an elder gentleman in a lab coat opens the door with a soft smile "oh the Thompsons I presume?"


"Great, come on in. Go and enjoy your visit and if you need anything please feel free to ask" he says smiling as he points in a direction which I now see is where Vivian is sitting with a wide smile on her face as her eyes catch mine.

I sigh under my breath before putting on a small smile.

"Hi baby I'm glad you came" she says with a wide smile standing up and wrapping her arms tightly around me before I can't do anything. I pause before lightly wrapping one arm around her patting her back.

"Hey viv" I greet quietly as I pull away she gives both kids a hug "you look good" I tell her which is true, she doesn't have any makeup on which is in stark contrast to her usual face caked in the stuff, her natural straight hair is down with no products in it.

She looks beautiful and happy, if you didn't know her you would believe she was an angel, it's a pity I know what her personality is like and though she blamed drugs and alcohol I know that all the things she has been doing minus them is things she has done since I've known her.

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