31- Mike ⚠️

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It felt different this time and I would be lying if I didn't say it felt so fucking good, I definitely wasn't expecting tonight to turn out the way it did, more so us admitted how we feel about each other.

I knew I felt strongly about her but until the moment she spoke, it hit me that I genuinely loved her. For the first time in my fucking life I am in love with someone who actually loves me back. Yes it's a little fucked up because of who we are in each others lives but at this point, I can't make myself care.

"Do you promise that we will stay in contact so we can see how things go?" She whispers into my chest.

Giving her a kiss on the head as I tighten my arms around her "I promise you Lottie, I'm not letting you go. It may take a while and we have a lot of obstacles to go through to get to a good place but I will call and text as much as possible but I will make sure we will see each other at least once a month. Vivian is going to drag this divorce out Lottie, she is going to try cause as much trouble as she can to avoid getting a divorce. Are you sure you want to do this Lottie?

She lifts her head to look at my face giving me a shy smile "I have never wanted anything more"

"I really do love you Lottie" I tell her sincerely

"I love you too" she says before attaching our lips in a soft kiss.


I haven't been able to wipe the smile from my face since last night, trying not to make it too obvious because we don't need anyone getting suspicious right now but from the strange looks I've been receiving I haven't hid it well.

Especially the shy blushing looks and smiles I've been receiving from Lottie, I can't stop myself from smirking every time I catch her eye.

"So what time do you girls leave?" I ask as they both eat their breakfasts.

"Our flight is at three but Charlie is going back to the valentines for a couple hours so I'll leave here about 12 to get her" Lacey says as she walks to the dish washer putting her dishes in.

"I will drop you both off at the airport"

"You don't have to dad, I know you are busy today" Lacey says with a shake of her head.

"Never too busy for you or your brother" I tell her honestly

"Awe dad" she coos giving me a hug making me chuckle.

Lottie lets out a little giggle looking at us with an amused look before washing her dishes. "I'm just going to get ready" she says

"Oh damn, I was going to go" Lacey groans pouting.

Lottie lets out a huff "you go first then" she scoffs playfully.

Squealing Lacey hugs Lottie "thank you I won't be long I promise"


Lacey rushes out leaving me alone with Lottie. Taking the chance I step closer pulling her into my arms. "Damn, I'm going to miss you" I tell her.

"I wish I wasn't leaving" she pouts making me chuckle

"We will see each other again soon. Now give me a kiss" I mutter against her lips.

Things begin to heat up causing me to slowly break the kiss "remember mikey, no matter what happens and even if this doesn't work out between us. I have loved every single minute I've spent with you and the love you" she says eyes full of love and honesty.

My heart pounding in my chest as a feeling I can't describe takes over my body "I love you too Lottie" I say hoarsely.

She pecks my lips a couple of times before leaving me standing alone in the kitchen. "Fuck" I chuckle smile still on my face

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