7 - Mike

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Fucking stop Mike

What are you doing?

You can't let this happen..

"Please" she begs making me growl as pure desire washes over me quickly followed by pain from my dick and my chest like I've been sucker punched feeling winded knowing what I have to do.

"Lottie?" I say trying to get her attention over her soft moans but it comes out huskily. Just fucking say it! I tell myself trying to clear my throat then finally spit the words out "we can't do this" I watch as she breaks out of her lust bubble then feel my heart clench at the look on her face.

Her eyes widen full of  horror before filling with tears. "I'm so sorry" she gasps lip trembling "I understand if you can't forgive me, but just know I am so sorry" she says rushing to the door.

"Lottie no it's.." I start but she doesn't stop instead she opens the door peeking outside to see if anyone is there, I can't let her leave like this "I wanted it to..." she rushes away "happen" I mutter angrily to myself before storming out of the house holding my phone to my ear in case anyone comes.

Once I reach an area where I am hidden I let out an angry grown before punching stone wall, "what the fuck just happened?" I mutter to myself letting out a harsh breath.

Why did I let it get that far?

I know she felt something I just didn't expect her to be feeling the same intensity as I was!...

Or maybe it was a one off?

Yes it has to be that because the horror on her face sure shows that she regretted it.

What are these feeling?

Why am I getting them and for Lottie of all people?

Most importantly why did it hurt to see her walking away from me with that look on her face?

She must be so scared right now, probably worried I will tell someone..HA! What am I meant to say? 'Oh by the way I was in the bathroom with her and we were rubbing again each other, I promise it wasn't planned but I've been having these fucked up feelings and desires since I saw her at the airport'

Yeah right, that will surely go down well...not

That with Lottie is the closest I have ever been with another women since Vivian became pregnant, I have never once cheated on her though I can't say the same for her, she thinks I don't know about her boy toys but I'm just past the stage of caring now.

Deciding I had been away long enough I head back inside, my eyes automatically find Lottie as she turns to look at me come in, I can't help but be concerned when I see how white her face is thought she doesn't wait 2 seconds before turning away from me.

I apologise to everyone and sit back on my chair, watching as Lottie walks over to the kids. I along with everyone else watches amused as the little boy who obviously has a crush on Lottie blushes.

I've known him since the day he was born and have never seen him act shy or blush for anyone.

I guess Lottie just has that affect on everyone...


I have been in bed for a couple hours now and I don't know if it's because it's not my own house or because of all the shit in my mind but I can't seem to sleep.

Laying down staring up to the fan above the bed I go through everything with Vivian and what I'm going to do but I honestly do fucking know what more I can do.

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