10 - Charlotte

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I went straight to my bedroom that night and ended up crying because as much as I don't want to admit it, his words hurt.

I then got angry because I cried, I was just a mess.

But after a good sleep I did what I do best and blocked it out and ignored it.

I haven't seen or spoke to him since  which makes it almost two weeks and I'm glad for that, I don't think it would go down well.

I found out the next day that he has called my parents while he was still in New York asking if it would be ok for Mickey to come with us as he didn't want to stay there and they weren't sure how long Vivian was going to be in the rehab for.

Myself, my parents and Layla arrived with smile security three days ago and mom said Mickey is arriving tonight and Ryan, Sarah and the kids are arriving tomorrow.

It's beautiful, a huge house that's broke into different sections big enough for each family but thankfully though I miss Lacey I'm glad the rest of the Thompsons won't be here until after we leave.

"You excited for Mickey to come?" I ask Layla making her blush

"N-no" she stutters "why would I?"

I giggle "you don't have to lie to me Layla I know you are both interested in each other"

"No we aren't" she says quickly then sighs "he is mr popular and I'm a loser, there is no way he would be interested in me"

"You are not a loser" I tell her blankly "just because you are quiet and can be shy at times that doesn't make you a loser Layla, you are a beautiful, kind, caring girl and if someone says different then they are assholes"

"Thank you." She whispers "I like him but he is seeing the head cheerleader tara" she sighs

"Well don't wait around for him, maybe it's just not the right timing for you guys. Or maybe you are better of as friends but only the two of you can work out what one it will be. Don't be sad and pine over anyone though, do everything to make yourself happy before relying on others to do it for you"

"Thank you " she says giving me a hug "let's go swim" she smiles.

"I'll race ya" I smirk then run from the patio onto the sand letting out a squeal at how hot the sand on my feet "ow,shit hot hot hot"

Layla runs after me giggling "that's why you should have wore slides" she says still giggling as she passes me.

"Charlie why are you running like a crab" Dad calls from the patio door

"Shut up I forgot my shoes" I shout before running into the ocean then dive under water.

Fuck that was hot!

Breaking through the water I hear a loud splash making me turn to see my dad laughing seconds later my mom comes up scowling at him as he jumps in she looks at me and Layla "let's get him" she smirks making us laugh and as soon as he pops up the three of us attack him making him laugh.

"Ok ok I'm sorry" dad chuckles wrapping his arms around mom.

I can't help but smile at the love between my parents, I have honestly never seen two people more in love than those two.

I want that!

Loving someone so much that I wouldn't want to live without them and someone to love me the same way.

Someone who won't talk down to me, call me out my name or lift their hands to me, but why does it feel like I'm never going to get that?

Sure I feel attracted to men and for example Mike, I am attracted to him and he makes me feel some type of way but I think that's more to do with me knowing it's wrong to feel that way.

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