Author's note

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I've never written or even read a yandere book, so this was very new to me.

Thanks to a special someone who gave me this idea.

I was skeptical at first about writing this, because I hadn't even written anything remotely similar to this. But I'm failing writing. How bad could I possibly write?

I needed a lot of research too.

Anyways, this authors note is kinda different from the rest.

I'm going to be just yammering about my life.

If this is boredom to you, you have permission to skip ahead.

If I don't finish this book (which I have every intent on doing so) you may whack me.

Also, this book and all my other books (I forgot to mention) are intended with some sort of cringe. If you don't want cringe, good luck finding one, bc every good story has cringe.

Non Shinogiyuu fans if you intend on ruining this book or any of my other ones I suggest you leave right now bc I will not tolerate it. Read it, don't say anything bad about it (the ship, say as much crap to my book as you want, tho it will hurt my feelings greatly).

And without further ado, let's start this book

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