Chapter 11; Demons

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Giyu Tomioka

The day was chilly, even though it was sunny. I had asked around, and hadn't seen anything.

This was definitely something related to a demon blood art.

Where was Shinobu?

Shinobu Kocho

It was cold and dark in the room. I didn't know where I am. I saw dead bodies being destroyed by the mushy ground.

The walls started caving in. I blinked.

"Insect breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter." I said. I stabbed the inside of the building and it shuttered, pus oozing out of the wounds. I cut through the walls and through a grueling process, I cut through the building. I coughed, climbing out.

How did I manage cut through that?

And how would I manage to kill whatever was destroying this demon?

I could really use Giyu right now.

I heard a murmuring in the building.

"Stuuuuuuuuuuupid demon slayers." It hissed.

I yelped and acid splattered, nearly hitting me. I was almost absorbed into the stomach. Now I was out of it, I had to think.

I dodged the building multiple times. I thought about it for a while. This building kind of controlled everyone's mood, partially. But it wasn't immune to poison. If I could use all my poison at once and attack him, I could possibly kill this demon. I had to do it all at once though, because this building was huge, and it could easily fight the poison before I had the chance to kill it off.

After I stabbed the building multiple times as fast as I could (or also looking like an insane person), it collapsed, grumbling under its weight. Everyone seemed to be out of a spell as soon as the building collapsed.

Such a simple kill.

Where the fuck is Giyu though?


"Excuse me, have you seen a man who has blue eyes and long, black hair?" I asked. No answer. Everyone was minding their own business and no one paid any attention to me.

"EXCUSE ME?!" I hollered, but still no answer. I just looked insane, standing in the middle of the road and yelling random stuff.

"Get out of the road hottie." A forty year old man said, smirking at me. This was my cue to get out of there. I ran away from the Main Street, wandering aimlessly.

I returned to the hotel, feeling dejected. Where the heck was Giyu?

Finally, after waiting outside our hotel rooms, he finally returned after nightfall.

"Where the hell were you? I fucking defeated the demon by myself while you were frolicking around." I screamed.

"You were? Good for you." He said, entering his hotel room and slamming the door shut.

Oh. So...we were done now. Giyu didn't want me anymore, and there would never be another day of us together. How could he just abandon me like that? My sadness and heartbreak turned into anger. I didn't want this anymore.

I stormed into his room. He looked up at me with sullen eyes.

"Saya." He muttered drunkly. He was drinking while I was working my butt off killing a demon?

"She's pretty. Really sweet and nice...if I had a choice...I would marry her." He mumbled. I was done with this. I grabbed my katana and headed out.


"I'm done with you and all your flirtatious ways with Tomioka now! You can die in hell!" I screamed, creating three wounds in Saya, flinging her body like a pancake.

"Shinobu!" Giyu hollered, his eyes brighter again. He had escaped a bit of drunkenness, but I still hated him. He was running, his eyes widened in horror at what he witnessed. I didn't care.

"Don't call me Shinobu!" I screamed.

"Kocho! How could you kill another human?! I thought-" he choked on his words.

"You're a psycho Kocho." He said. He grabbed Saya's body and fled. I chased after him, but then stopped. It was no good doing so anymore.

Now everything was messed up.

I ran straight to the hotel, took all my belongings, and went straight back to the butterfly mansion.

Giyu Tomioka

I wasn't talking about Saya. I was talking about Shinobu.

But how could I that I knew she would kill people without a thought?

Shinobu Kocho

I took out my madness by studying and creating poisons. I went to Tamayo and Yushiro's, studying with them. I disliked having to work with them...I didn't really know why, but I still did.

After returning to the butterfly mansion, I had one more task.

"Aoi, can you please call Kanao in here?" I asked. I had realized how much time had passed by. I needed to start what I finished. And that was by avenging Kanae.

"Née-San?" Kanao said as she entered the room.

"Kanao. Please, hear me out." I said softly, hoping no one would overhear us.

"I'm going to die." I said shortly. She stared at me in confusion. "There is a powerful demon out there that killed our sister. I know I won't be strong enough to kill it on my own, which is why I've been poisoning myself. Once this demon eats me, my blood will contaminate him, and he'll die."

"N-no! Let me die! I'll poison him with you!" Kanao cried. I sighed, knowing this would happen.

"You can't Kanao, you need a year to achieve this state of poison. Currently I had the amount of wisteria that is seven hundred times the lethal amount." I said. She looked at me in shock.

"So there's no stopping you?" She said dejectedly.

"No. But I need you to kill the demon as soon as you can. Before the demon can run away from the place and heal itself." I said. She nodded.

"Née-San, is there no other way?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not." I said firmly.

"Please Nee-San!" She begged. "I don't want you to die."

"No." I said firmly. "This is decided and done. There is nothing you can do to change my mind."

Voices of a Desperate Butterfly ^A Shinogiyuu Story^Where stories live. Discover now